Sunday is election day in Mexico, featuring a race for president between center-left candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador and conservative Felipe Calderón. Alt.weekly reporter Daniel Hernandez files a report, called
"The Mexico Cup," from Mexico City for the L.A. Weekly. Here's his "so what?" graf:Why does this matter to you in Los Angeles? It’s a valid question. Outside of National Public Radio and the major daily newspapers, there’s been little attention paid in the U.S. to Sunday’s election. American disinterest in this race makes no sense. Progressives have barely been looking south, despite the fact that López Obrador is the kind of truly socially conscious populist that U.S. lefties - never mind the Democrats - could only dream of one day fielding for president.
Update 7/5: Calderón is ahead by 400,000 votes in a preliminary count, but Obrador is
contesting the results.