New Vid - Keepin' the Customer Satisfied

Apr 13, 2007 20:40

I'm so excited about finally getting to post this. Well, truthfully nothing was stopping me before, but I decided to hold of until the second half of The Return aired in the USA. And that, of course, is tonight. Woo-hoo!

Vid: Keepin' the Customer Satisfied
Edit: Sache8
Music: Simon and Garfunkel (who else? LOL)
Character(s)/Pairing: SGA Team vid - full cast
Subject: Episode Vid - The Return - Parts 1 and 2, Humor vid
Disclaimer: Property of other people.

Link: Keepin' the Customer Satisfied

Notes: I really, really love vidding Simon and Garfunkel. *happy sigh* And this song has such a catchy, engergizing, make-you-grin feel. I made the vid in less than twenty-four hours, which is very rare for me nowadays. It was right when my nephew was born too, so it has lots of fun memory associations in that regard as well. :-)

Enjoy! And feedback, por favor! *G*

vids:all, vids:stargate sga

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