From the Vault - Without Words

Mar 09, 2007 23:04

A new flister, missyvortexdv pointed out that my oldest vid entry in my LJ advertises my fifteenth vid and that the other fourteen are nowhere to be found. Since I'm a terrible ham and need no encouragement to flaunt myself, I thought maybe a little "dusting" was in order, in order to share some of my older vids that haven't had a public spotlight in a while.

So let's start at the very beginning....

Vid: Without Words
Edit: Sache8
Music: James Newton Howard, from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack "The Village"
Characters/ Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.

Link: Without Words

You never forget your first. Yes, this is my first vid. Before I knew how to fix the aspect ratio, before I knew how to get rid of the divx watermark, before I knew how to avoid orphan frames, before I'd studied up on all the special effects at my disposal... I don't remember exactly what sparked the idea to use The Village soundtrack (which everyone should go buy the CD of, because it's one of the most unique and gorgeous scores ever composed). I knew the content would be Atlantis because it was all I had clips for at that point (about seven eps' worth) and was so excited to get started I had no patience to wait around for more choices. This vid is about two years old now, born of the era when the Sparky following exploded. The glory days of 39:30 squeeing. ;-)

I didn't really set out for this vid to be any particular way. I just kind of made it up as I went along. I didn't storyboard. I didn't think about what clip next until I'd finished thinking about what clip should come now. Everything is so different now, and honestly, I can say that free-spiritedly throwing together a vid with whimsy or carefully planning every frame of the vid in your head before you even open your editing software each have their respective advantages and drawbacks.

At any rate, it'll always hold a place of honor in my little fandom girl's heart. ;-)

vids:shep/weir, vids:all, vids:stargate sga, fandom:stargate sga

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