New Vid - Penelope's Song

Feb 26, 2007 20:35

This vid's been done for a while, but now I finally have a permanent link for it.

Vid: Penelope's Song
Edit: Sache8
Music: Loreena McKennit
Character(s)/ Pairing: Sheppard/Weir (SGA)
Spoilers: I used clips all the way through Tao of Rodney, but the only real spoilery ones are through Echoes.

Link: Penelope's Song

Notes: I feel like this vid merits a little bit of author insight. First off, it's quite surprising that this is the first Loreena McKennit I've ever vidded. She's one of my all time favorite artists, and I have all of her recorded works except for the live album. Last November, after over a ten year hiatus, she finally released a new studio album, An Ancient Muse on which the song for this vid can be found. The overall theme of the album is journies, and Penelope's Song was an acknowledgement that for all those undertaking great and dangerous journies, there is usually someone left behind, like Penelope waiting on Odysseus, waiting and hoping for a safe return. Though Elizabeth usually only has to wait one or two episodes for John and his team to return (as opposed to twenty years), I still found the parallel quite a delightful idea for this pairing. Overall, this vid in itself was an interesting journey for me. I've done more than my fair share of ship vids, but never one that was meant to convey so specific an aspect of a certain pairing: in this case, the vid is devoted specifically to Elizabeth always waiting on John... waiting and hoping for a safe return. I hope everyone enjoys the results.

On that note, due to some honest critique, I'm feeling kind of ambiguous about the quotes from the Oddessy at the beginning. It was a good concept, I think, but the more detached I get about the vid, the more I agree with my reviewer who said that the quote really isn't selling effectively. However, I'm too lazy to bother removing it right now. Whether or not it gets done in the future is anyone's guess. LOL In the mean time, if anyone has any earth-shattering thoughts on the matter, feel free to toss them out there!

For marimba26's birthday, which was the day after Christmas.

Crossposted to john_elizabeth, atlantis_vids, and stargatevids.

vids:shep/weir, vids:all, vids:stargate sga, fandom:stargate sga

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