Keep your distance, Chewie.

Nov 02, 2011 12:15

I got in an accident this morning. I wouldn't say it was a minor accident, but my part in it was minor. Traffic was already backed up in the left hand lane of the highway due to another accident or pullover a few hundred feet ahead (I never did find out because I never got that far). Seeing that the traffic was backing up, I got in the left lane ( Read more... )

real life:general

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yappichick November 2 2011, 16:37:39 UTC
Wow, well, first of all, I'm glad that you and everyone else was safe. I'm sorry that you got into the accident and the idea of a ticket? Dude...It must be because I'm out here in CA and accidents are a part of life out here but I have never heard over anyone getting a ticket for getting into an accident let alone getting one where you clearly weren't at fault.

Can you go to traffic school so your rates don't go up?

I am so sorry again!


sache8 November 2 2011, 16:41:23 UTC
Haha, love the icon.

As far as I understand, here in OH if you rear-end someone, you're considered at fault, no matter the circumstances. It's not something the officer has a choice to waive, either. I think the guy felt kind of bad when he was giving it to me.


yappichick November 2 2011, 17:46:38 UTC
Maybe if CA issued tickets for being involved in an accident we wouldn't have such a budget crisis. LOL

Still, it's too bad that someone's bad driving caused you to get a ticket. Boo for bad drivers.


melyanna November 2 2011, 23:15:07 UTC
It's like that in a lot of places. You rear-end someone, you're at fault in some way. It's usually true.


yappichick November 3 2011, 00:35:13 UTC
Oh, I wasn't talking about the at-fault idea. I was talking about getting a ticket for rear-ending someone. I've been rear-ended twice and neither time was the driver issued a citation.

We were just lucky both times the other driver was insured. It's a risk out here. LOL


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