Why didn't I get this newsflash BEFORE I used my Gaston icon!?!?!?

Oct 24, 2011 09:39

News for a Monday morning:

Joss Whedon does Shakespeare

The "I hate April Fool's Day" part of me is still holding out with skepticism, because the tongue-in-cheek aspect of the play's title if it was a hoax is SO JOSS.

Still, joke or no joke, if I was to do the casting based on the roles of Much Ado and the people listed on the website:

Presuming Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof are Beatrice and Benedick, obviously, I would guess:

Reed Diamond as Don Pedro
Sean Maher as Don Jon

(I could see those two reversed in those roles too, but I'm hoping for that because I want to see Reed in a nice guy role for a change)

Nathan Fillion as Dogberry (word on the street)
Fran Kranz as Borachio

I actually don't know any of the rest of the people.
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