Saché's Top Ten Fanvids #4

Oct 24, 2011 07:44

Hey, remember when I started listing my top favorite fanvids of my experience (other people's, not mine) waaaaay back at the beginning of the year? Kinda forgot the top four. Will now amend.

#4 - The Greatest

Vid Title: The Greatest
Vid Editor(s): hollywoodgrrl
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Character/Pairing: Kara Thrace, Louanne "Kat" Katraine

LINK: Original post at vidder's LJ

Why I Love This Vid: Perfect character study, perfect editing. I'm honestly surprised how many people don't like Kat, especially people with whom I generally share wider opinions about characters. Despite appearances, I always felt she had one of the more satisfying character journeys on BSG, in pulling herself out of a dark place (more than once), finding identity, and making the ultimate sacrifice. I can understand a bit better not liking her if you also can't stand Kara, but I think this vid shows how staggeringly similar they are, and liking one but not the other always seemed a double standard to me.

This is also probably the first vid in my life that I ever watched and went, "Oh, man. I wish I could do that." :-)

recs:vid, fandom:galactica, recs:toptenvids

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