'Nother week

Oct 17, 2011 00:24

Big day tomorrow. Taking my car in to get my new winter tires put on and a headlight replaced, and I'm also going to try and snag a room at the Hyatt for Dragon Con next year. *fingers crossed*

Then it will be writing, hopefully. For once, I'd like to get a whole 2K out of the way on Monday.

I would ordinarily be attempting to watch the Season premiere of Chuck, except, well...

Some guys randomly came and took our ancient TV antenna, tower and all. Not to worry, they rang the doorbell and asked if they could. My brother and I are going to pitch in together to finally get cable next month. Ever since the switch to Digital TV, the aerial has just not been reliable for picking up stations. It depends on which way the wind is blowing or which way the networks have their satellites pointed or all of the above. I don't know. I missed most of the Olympics last year which made me mad. But now, with the tower gone, even the off chance that NBC would have been coming in nice and strong is gone. So Chuck on Tuesdays it is.

Until that cable is hooked up, that is.

Hey! My Nano icon. Who all is doing Nano? I am not doing it this year, not officially, but since I project finishing up a longstanding project in November anyway, I'll definitely be tapping into the energy and motivation of the event.

fandom:chuck, writing:nanowrimo

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