Another fic progress update

Sep 23, 2011 07:30

Wow, I still have a LOT of T icons to get through!

I have one more scene to write for my het_bigbang fic. One. I got through the final confrontation last night and three pages of explanatory fallout reveal, and brought it right up to a very satisfactory final beat which surprised me. Accomplished all of that by 6:30. I took a break to get a shower and contemplate the final scene, and came back, still with a full hour to spare for writing before Community started.

How is it that most people insist a shower helps them to wake up? Showers make me so... sleepy. I opened my laptop and stared and once again I just Could Not Write. I wrote one paragraph, but it felt like trying to fill a milk jug one sand grain at a time.

I think there was a combination of three reasons for this: (1) As already touched on, my shower made me sleepy. (2) It was only an hour until Community, ergo my brain was in excited/distraction mode over another fandom, and even though writing would have been an efficient and ideal means by which to make that last hour go faster, it was no use. (3) I'm honestly pretty burned out from the last four days of intense, deadline-inspired writing. Which explains best, I suppose, why I continued not finishing the scene even after the show was over. Granted, mom and I went on to watch 2 eps of our other show together, but even when that was done I had more than enough time to write one scene that finishes the flippin' fanfic.

So. The plan for today? Try to write the scene on my lunch break. Come home, make coffee, sit my butt down in my recently-commissioned writing chair, and read through the whole thing from start to finish, making tweaks and doing the html formatting as I go. Then it's straight off to the beta.

Whew! It's a game plan. And next week, I'm taking some recovery time and not writing a single word. Hah!

Now, speaking of Community...

Opening Jeff dream sequence musical number: pure gold. I'll probably need icons.

Abed's new obsession with British TV: priceless. Most especially "Captain Spacetime" and the knockoff Daleks. *wipes tears* Oh!!! And also the sound he makes when a show gets delayed or cancelled. I think we've all felt that. LOL

John Goodman was really funny, but for some reason, I'm maxed out on adverbs to appropriately describe the hilarity.

I like how even though Jeff and the Dean had the two main stories of the premiere, there were little moments of almost everyone. I could have done with just one moment of "real life" Shirley focus, but she did get that big solo moment in the opening dream number. Bwuahaha. Anyway, my point is, it was a good, solid, well-rounded and hilarious episode of Community and I hope Season 3 will continue to deliver (although Season 2 eventually got itself leveled out, the beginning half was touch and go on the satisfaction factor for a while there).

I like the Chang the security guard development. He's definitely more appealing than "crazy, drifting Chang" from Season 2. I believe it might have been Dan Harmon said that "a Chang with power makes for a funnier campus" or something, and I believe he's right.

Britta's going to study psychology! *hugs her* I think she'll make a very clumsy, but ultimately more effective one in the end. :-)

I watched both new eps of Big Bang Theory. Ratio of vulgar jokes to nerdy jokes? about 9-to-1. Oh, show, what have they done to you? Nothing worth mentioning, inside or outside of a spoiler cut, so I'm packing up and getting to work now.


fandom:big bang, writing:general, fandom:community

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