Vidding bug.

Sep 09, 2011 15:05

I suspect in the near future I'm going to need to make a Doctor/River vid, because I'm listening to my iPod and going "Would this song be good for them?" "This one?" "This one?"

Truthfully, there are so many facets to their relationship (epic, funny, heartwarming, sexy, REALLY CONFUSING) that it makes almost any song workable.

But this one is a definite contender in the whimsical/mysterious dept:

image Click to view

But first I'm doing all the other things I need to finish. You know, het_bigbang fic, beta-reading, etc. Anyway I expect I'll want to wait for the season to finish for optimal footage on some of these lyrics. :-)

I also really, really need to get at least one DW icon...

fandom:doctor who

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