Celebratory purchase time.

Jun 06, 2011 21:53

So to celebrate my new job, I have decided to get an iPad 2. (plus keyboard, because I would like to use it to write on the go, among other things).

I am going to name it Hardison.

melyanna advised me to wait until I finished my costume (hehehe), which is very sound advice, but I kind of wanted to get a few ebooks I've had my eye on for the plane trip when I go to Paris, so I'll probably be looking at buying it as soon as my credit card cycles over again.

I have decided to go for maximum GBs and WiFi access only (not the 3G). 3G would require a connection plan, and the truth is, sometimes I go away to write specifically at a place where I can't get sidetracked online. In a couple of years, I'll probably bite the bullet and get a smartphone with internet, so...

That leaves only one thing left to decide.

The black one or the white one?

Since I'm naming it after Hardison, I guess I should take his opinion into consideration. So, I put it to you, my dear flist with many Leverage fans:

"What would Hardison do?" ;-)

(And would tweeting Aldis Hodge to ask his opinion be adorable or creepy? LOL)


Need some Leverage icons...


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