
May 03, 2011 08:53

Bin Laden: Feeling relief and sober satisfaction.

I had rehearsal last night, but not for the rest of the week. Since I got home early, I worked on shoulder straps for my costume. Will continue working on it tonight while mom and I watch some Community.

I'm reading A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner. Like all her books, delightful simple, and brilliant fare.

It's raining, raining, raining. And raining. It's so rainy and cloudy this spring that I'm worried the Cullens might want to move here. :-/

Last night I happened to watch Chuck when it aired, even though I've missed four or five episodes in between. I was really happy about the turn of events in this episode, namely that Chuck came clean with Ellie, there wasn't an angst fest over the matter, Ellie knows about the intersect, and that the Bartowski siblings are teaming up on a personal mission. Loved the twist with Volkoff being a programmed CIA agent. Very interested to see where they're going to go with it. I should probably make some time this week to get caught up on my missed eps, since the last I watched, Vivian Volkoff was only feeling ambiguous feelings about her father, not full-fledged dark baddie. I kind of hate the "one bad burn and the innocent character goes all Bond villain" thread, so that's probably why I've been avoiding the show lately. But yes. Good twist. Chuck has my attention again.

We also watched Castle. *fans self* That's all I'll say 'bout that.

I'm a little less than halfway through S3 of Leverage. So far it is definitely my favorite season. I think it's because the team are now fully devoted to one another, and there has been more emphasis on Elliot, Hardison, and Parker episodes (it felt like we didn't really get much of those three in S2). I also just love the specific stories themselves so far this season, I'm really feeling the love.

Doctor Who: Also has my attention. I want to be River Song when I grow up. Mark Sheppard is the best guest character in any fandom. Not thinking too much about timey-whimey contradictory stuff that will probably break my brain. Just enjoying the ridiculous romp that is Who. That is all.

And... that's about it for now, I guess. I need to start my workday and I didn't plan on rambling this long.

fandom:chuck, fandom:leverage, general:books, fandom:castle, fandom:doctor who

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