Saché's Favorite Fanvids #5

Mar 14, 2011 12:42

#5 on my countdown had a bit of an interesting story. It is actually held by a Heroes vid, but the vidder has pulled all of his/her vids from the internet, no longer comfortable with posting them, and so I am honor-bound not to pass it along here.

But it's okay, because it gave me the opportunity to use a vid I overlooked until after I'd done my ranking, mostly because I haven't gotten around to downloading a hard copy yet for my computer. I usually just content myself with watching it on YouTube.

This vid probably would have had a place in the standings, but since I'm not going to mess with the ranking I decided, we'll just let it take mystery vid's place, thereby helping to preserve all the other vids' rankings. ;-)

#5 - Let it Fall (stand-in)

Vid Title: Let it Fall
Vid Editor(s): beccatoria
Fandom: Dr. Who
Character/Pairing: Gen characters, the Doctor, Amy Pond, Series 5 (New!Who)

LINK: Original post at vidder's LJ

image Click to view

Why I Love This Vid: I had a really long, eloquent paragraph here before. Well, I'm not sure about eloquent, but it was certainly verbose and gushy. But then I was updating this meme with #4 and put this post into edit so I could copy my meme form into the new post and in my not-quite-awake haze, overwrote the write-up for this vid. Mostly what it said was:

(1) This vid is assuming the place of my original #5, which the vidder has removed from the internet and declined permission to repost.

(2) This vid is awesome enough to be on the top ten and I forgot about it in my original considerations.

(3) This vid is the most brilliant use of voiceovers EVER. And also awesome editing.


recs:vid, fandom:doctor who, recs:toptenvids

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