Sache's favorite fanvids - A countdown meme.

Feb 23, 2011 10:00

The Story: Yesterday, on a whim, I sent a link to sabaceanbabe of a Veronica Mars fanvid I've always enjoyed watching, and her excitement got me thinking of the dozens and dozens and dozens of vids I have saved to my hard drive, and which ones I most love to go back to when I'm in the mood for a fix of a particular fandom or just a really, really great vid.

Therefore, I went down the list and pulled out what I considered to be my top ten favorites. And then I ranked them. It was surprisingly less difficult than I thought it might be.

Now I am going to present them to all of you in a "Top Ten" series of vid recs.

The Criteria: What qualifies someone's fanvid for a place in Saché's top ten? A purely subjective and non-systematic combination of elements, including a healthy dose of X factor. Broadly, however, I can describe some of the usual triggers, like a preference for the character/pairing/subject, editing that blows my mind away, and what I personally think makes for all the very best vids: the right material matched to the right song. Some of these vids have all of these factors, some have only one or two, and I suppose that's where the X factor comes in.

Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys the countdown, and maybe finds some new favorites of their own among mine. :-)

(One interesting follow-up note, the Veronica Mars vid I mentioned before, as much as I like it, didn't make the top ten cut) ;-)

recs:vid, general:vidding, recs:toptenvids

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