In dire need of a reboot.

Feb 07, 2011 14:10

My great week is not getting off to a great start. And nothing in particular has gone wrong, it's just...

I'm sick, exhausted, miserable, I'm dealing with Bob, I had to go to a funeral today, the weather is crap on a stick, and everyone else seems to be feeling the same way. I just inhaled three brownies leftover from our Superbowl food day last Friday, and they weren't even that good of brownies. (I like walnuts, but not in my brownies, thanks).

I'm scrapping all plans to do anything except what I want tonight. Two more hours and I'm going home, eating a huge bowl of ramen noodles, and making myself stay awake until 9:00, at which point I plan on being dead to the world.

My good week will just have to start tomorrow. And that'll do, I suppose.

Wishing everyone some sunshine,

~ Sach

real life:general, real life:job

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