New Vid!!! - Setting up the Pins - Firefly

Jan 24, 2011 12:19

Ladies and Gentlemen, after a fifteen-month hiatus:

Vid: Settin' up the Pins
Edit: Sache8
Music: Sara Groves
Fandom: Firefly
Clips Used/Spoilers: Series
Character/Pairing: Ensemble
Disclaimer: Belongs to Joss, Fox, Mutant Enemy, et. al. And the wonderful Sara Groves ;-)

Summary: This song is about the joy in the small tedium of life, and so is the vid. The "little" moments of regular people just trying to get by are what made Firefly so wonderful.

Link - Download here Approx 14.0 MB, Quicktime only.

I tried uploading this to YT and the sound got all out of sync and it was annoying, so if you're interested, just download, I guess. I need to find a friendlier streaming site.

vids:all, vids:firefly

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