(no subject)

Nov 29, 2010 08:23

Yesterday I got the following review on YouTube for my "Crossroads of Eshu" trailer:

"Well made trailer, but doesn't do that good a job of pitching the fic. Watch my SGD trailer and tell me that doesn't make you want to read it."

Um... not that I'm an expert, but insulting other people's work isn't the best way to get someone to watch your own* Hey, I'm perfectly fine if they don't think the trailer is a good pitch. The truth is, I really only have a single "trailer" style and very limited experience, but no. I'm not going to go watch yours with that kind of introduction. LOL

*Speaking as someone who has done her share of unkindly and unfairly snarking about somebody else's work, a lesson in humility I hope that I never lose.

In other news, it occurs to me that I have not really updated about life in a while. My holiday weekend was good. Having three days in a row of basically no fixed plans whatsoever was a great mental break and refresher. But Friday evening I got hit with the "I'm so lonely" blues really bad. Which is just ridiculous, because I have so many amazing friends and an equally amazing family, a fulfilling professional career, and success as an artist that I can truly count myself wealthy and blessed. I can get by just fine without being some other person's #1. I really, really can.

Thanksgiving felt kind of low-key this year. The highlight of my night was definitely when my cousin Kathryn and her friend Regina and I spent an hour and a half upstairs in Kathryn's bedroom lip synching to every single current popular dance hit on Kathryn's ipod, using deodorants and a still-in-the-package eyelash curler for microphones. I think I might have worked off a whole piece of pie. We had a blast and laughed a lot. (I took the lead on "Poker Face" although I still have trouble with some of the lyrics - LOL).

On Friday I slept in, ran a couple of errands, and that night Mom and I watched "Robin Hood" (the new Russell Crowe/ Cate Blanchett version). It was very enjoyable. I liked the ship and also got a huge kick out of Kevin Durand playing Little John (he will always be "Lord Zippy" to me, so seeing him in any other role always cracks me up).

Saturday morning we decorated our "Barbie" tree It's a white tree with coordinated pink and purple trim. It's actually a lot less nauseating than it sounds. Notwithstanding, mom is buying me a more traditional green tree of my own for the basement. I plan on building a thoroughly nerdy ornament collection.

On Saturday night I met up with some of the gals from my old theater days, sold three copies of "Awakenings" respectively, and went to see Tangled for a second time. Loved it. Am going with Yet Another Group of Friends tonight to see it in 3D. At the matinee price this time, thank goodness.

Yesterday after church, I got an early Christmas present: a new phone! (I sound like a Best Buy commercial, yeesh). But the phone I've been stuck with for the past few months after mine broke is extremely NOT user friendly, and after much shopping, I finally picked one that I wanted and we got it at the Verizon store yesterday. It is such a relief. I feel like quite the materialistic poster child lemming to be geeking out over a new phone, but there you have it.

Finally, we went to see my cousins in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" The leads were good, but not dazzling (Pharoah was flat out dull, imho). The brothers and wives, on the other hand, were all hilariously talented. The dance numbers were real toe tappers. I had a great time!

And now it's Monday. I'm honestly relieved to be back at work. Too much time to myself makes me go through irrational emotional gamuts. I am altogether much happier with structure. (This malaise effect isn't going to be happening for Christmas since I am having SO MUCH COMPANY!!! *ggg*)

general:holiday, real life:family, general:vidding, general:movies, real life:general, fandom:stargate sg1

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