
Oct 12, 2010 07:41

So this morning on the local radio station, they were playing sneak peaks of tonight's episode of Glee. What amused/puzzled me was that the DJ kept apologetically stressing that the episode in question (which centers around duets) has "a lot show tunes this time"

Um... is this something that needs repeatedly apologized for? Because I hate to break it to you pal, real show choirs sing far more show tunes, oldies, and traditional music than they do Madonna or Britney Spears.

Glee and I have an extremely distant relationship (as in, I sort of occasionally touch it with my fingertips because of the talented vocals and fun, energized covers of songs), but I hope that it isn't attracting high schoolers to the performing arts only to have them turn away again when they realize that Lady Gaga isn't on the menu every week.

I may watch tonight's episode out of sheer indignation that show tunes do not require an apology.

Speaking of TV, last night's Chuck was one of the funniest in a long time. Among other things, it included my very favorite in-episode Subway plug of all time:

"We have peace now! Also Subway restaurant franchises!!"

(Also, it belatedly occurred to me this morning that last year's episode entitled "Chuck vs. the Subway" probably had a double meaning. Duh. Way to get with the times, Faith).


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