Life, as such.

Aug 17, 2010 09:37

I'm in a good mood today. I have some energy, and last night I got a little bit of writing done and also a little bit of vidding. More importantly, I got excited about what I was vidding.

I now have three vids in progress: 2 Chuck and 1 Firefly.

The Firefly vid is one I still want to do, but looking at the work I've already done on it, I'll probably end up swapping out most of my clip choices. Three months later, I'm not feeling the love for the edit-in-progress.

The first Chuck vid is over halfway vidded but I wanted to play around with some S3 footage last night and realized that I didn't actually have footage for the latter half, so that's on hold until I obtain it.

While I was waiting, I started one of my really old Chuck vid bunnies (I think it attacked when I was living in Chile, actually, so that's about two years old), and had a lot of fun with the beginning. My enthusiasm was then vamped up a notch after I shared with smor what I was working on and she got music and Chuck geeky excited about it. So now all I want to do is rush home and work on it.

But the job is a good place to be too.

I am taking Jennifer to see Beezus and Ramona tonight.

general:vidding, real life:bbbs

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