Mar 26, 2010 11:16
So I got my tax refund deposited yesterday. Thrills! I paid down my credit cards this morning. The older balance entirely, which brings it down to $0 for the first time since I was unemployed. Feels so good. The other one I paid the last statement balance and I'll take care of the rest on payday next week.
Now I can start paying back my mom for the car payments she covered while I wasn't working and that's going to feel even more amazing than paying down credit cards.
Speaking of Mom, she and I are going shopping tonight, her health permitting. I have a beautiful gray pinstripe matching suit that I got last autumn from the Limited that I've never worn because I didn't have the right color shoes for it, so... shoe shopping. Yay!! I'm going to wear it for Easter Sunday.
Tomorrow I'm taking Jennifer to the IX Indoor Amusement Park in Cleveland, which is basically every classic carnival ride and then some crammed into this giant indoor venue. They have petting zoos and the like too. It'll an almost all-day thing, after which I have to sit my butt down at my desk and at least get Tuesday's homework done because Sunday I'm going over a friend's house for most of the afternoon and into the evening to play loads of Settlers of Catan (so stoked about that; I think I may finally convince the group to upgrade to C&K... except I just realized that I totally forgot to buy the expansion pack for 5-6 people. D'oh.)
I finished my read-through of my Nano manuscript and last night in the shower I got this solid set of ideas for how to overhaul the beginning of the book, which is the most critical part to be overhauled, so I'm pretty jazzed about that as well. I even brought my notebook with me today so I can jot down scraps of new material at random or on my lunch break. Since my book is about muses, I need to make a joke or a reference at some point about a connection between muses and showers because such a connection definitely exists.
Finally, a week from today I have off for Good Friday. Can't wait!!!
(I had to scrape off an inch of snow and half an inch of really evil ice from my car this morning. The rain flash-froze in the middle of the night. Two days ago I went on a walk with my sister and her kids in a t-shirt. Oh, Ohio, what a fickle mistress thou art).
real life:general,
real fic:basement,