Oh dear.

Mar 19, 2010 16:06

Guys, I haven't had a plot bunny in a really long time, but the following ingredients all added up to a crazy flash of inspiration:
  • My recent binging of Doctor Who (finished up last night, actually. Final thoughts forthcoming)
  • .
  • Costuming, which included various costumes I know my friends to have made or are planning to make, including rangersebulba's Mal costume and prospective Doctor costume.
  • The small DW/SGA(AU) crossover thing that grav_ity wrote, which brings to mind the delightful accessibility of the TARDIS to many fandoms.
Mix all these together and what do you get? A Doctor Who/Firefly crossover vid bunny! *giant smack forehead*

Set in the era of the 10th Doctor and Donna as companion, including, but not limited to the following elements:

Mal's admiration for the Doctor's coat
Kaylee developing a compulsive addiction to the sonic screwdriver
Donna with a crush on Jayne (this is probably my favorite)

The thing is... I need a plot! I just can't justify the fun of this grab bag without a really great adventure to tie it all together! Something 'episodic' in scope, maybe six or seven hefty chapters that plug along at a healthy clip. :-)

Something to mull over on the drive home. I'm finally free for the weekend!

fanfic:all, fandom:firefly, fandom:doctor who

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