What? A subject? impossible.

Aug 21, 2006 14:30

I had an interesting week to say the least. First things first. I have Otakon Pics up.


Click at your own risk.

Secondly, I want to say happy belated birthday to kaoru01 and a happy early birthday to taymin

Now a bit about last week. Mallory came to visit. She stayed in the city from Monday to thursday. The first night we met up was on monday. We went to a little lounge near west 46th street. I really wasn't that hungry so we shared a meal. Before we ate though, she did the weirdest thing ive ever seen. She whipped out a camera and took a picture. I must say thats the first time ive ever seen someone photograph food. After I made fun of her, neither of us were tired so we went trooping a bit around times square. She did the tourist thing and had me take a couple of pictures of her. Then we decided to take a picture so we had one of those street artists take our picture. After that we walked around some more shot the shit then It was getting a bit late so I dropped her off by her hotel and made sure she got inside okay. Then I went home.

Tuesday was a lot more eventful. I went to work, got some studying in, then Mal called when about an hour after work. I met up with her and her mom at a bar with live music. It was nice to see her mom again. She looked really well. After her mom offered me a drink, she got tired and decided to go back to the hotel. Since me and mal wanted to hang out for a bit the next day she decided to spend the night at my house. But before we headed on the train, against my luck, sephora happened to be open. We went inside and it was like she was a kid at a candy store. On top of that mal had a bit to drink so this made for a hilarious event. Im glad I didn't drink much, I might have walked out there with some makeup on. I lost about 5 masculinity points going in there. But I was with mal so I think that gives me +3. So after sephora, We geared on the train and my sister picked us up halfway. We got home, watched the food channel and slept.

Wednesday, I took off of work and we both hit the city. My friend worked around where we wanted to go for lunch, so we met up with him. (i'll post a pic of me and him later. Also a bit of insider knowledge about him, we've been friends since high school. It was beacause of him I even became interested in anime) After we went around some more we finally separated from him, went to momofuku's for lunch and took pictures of that too. I loved that dumpling burger for the record. Later on Mal decided to torture me by going to Century 21 and sephora again. I would have taken a seat from an old lady from doing all that walking. Calling mal a Fashonista would be an understatement. After shopping we Went to Nobu's world famous restaurant. I've eaten sushi before, but by far that was the best ive ever eaten in my life. That and the bartenders were cool. Fuck, Even the sake was excellent. If I go anywhere for sushi It will be there. So after tons of sushi and drinks, me and mal strolled the city again. Took some pics (don't expect them to be great, i was fucking drunk) and then we chilled at the hotel for a while cause she didn't want me to go home non-alert and buzzed out of my mind. I left about 5 am and made sure she made it upstairs okay. There are some more interesting parts but hell It would be too long to place em all.

Friday, I took my test. I think I did a lot better than last time. So im crossing my fingers. Im not that confident on it but I know I did my best.

Now to the real crux of my entry, I don't know what the fuck is up with this year. It seems like everyone wants me to travel. I am being forced to go on a cruise with my family to see my grandpa, Austrailia, Japan (which i know will be out) Some other places as well. I know a bunch of you are going to be mad but A couple of things might have to give. I can only save so much money.

Thats about it. Mallory, thanks for coming. You'd better come back soon.

Sace Out.

PS All I want for my b-day Is fucking love. or just let me know that you remember. Thats all. I don't need gifts.

mallory new york traveling mcats

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