lmfao dunno why but this killed me DED when I first watched it on SNL XDDDDD it was just so random and a great break from studying
Parody of
Sergeant: *Whistles* Got ourselves a blood bath.
Cop: Hey Serge, listen to this:
Dear Sister,
By the time you read this, I’ll be dead. This is how I think it’s going to happen. Dave will shoot me, then I’ll shoot Dave, then Eric will enter and get shot by Dave. Then you’ll come in and get shot by Eric, Dave, and I multiple times.
Love your brother,
P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot each other.
Cop: Isn’t this the most ridiculous thing you’ve… *cut to multiple shots of them shooting each other and overlapping music*
and Andy’s (Dave) smiling face when he was shooting the sister XDDDD
hopefully to post more soon~