Title: Strawberry Lip Gloss
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Author: happyyoyo
Rating: PG
Summary: Chanyeol thinks Baekhyun smells like strawberry.
A/N: This is inspired by a joke found in “Two and a Half Men”!
It was another day when Chanyeol and Baekhyun get to spend some time together alone. They had used the time to rest in their shared room. The older boy was resting his head on the younger boy’s stomach while playing his PlayStation Portable.
That was when Chanyeol decided to make a random remark, “you smell like strawberry.”
“It’s my lip gloss.” The older boy answered nonchalantly with his eyes fixed on the game.
“So does it taste like what it smells?” Chanyeol asked again.
Baekhyun then stopped his game immediately and got up from his original position. He looked at the taller boy who was giving him his famous smile while waiting for his answer. Was Chanyeol trying to irritate him? It seems to be a rather stupid not so smart question to ask, since it was obvious enough that the lip gloss definitely taste like what it smells.
Baekhyun thinks that Chanyeol would not say nor ask such question so randomly. He must have a motive behind it. Suddenly, a thought struck his mind. Was his lover trying to hint him something? Maybe he was trying to lead the whole conversation to a situation where they end up kissing each other. Baekhyun finally figured out what he wanted to do and decided to make things simpler for Chanyeol.
“You wanna find out?” Baekhyun asked teasingly and leaned closer to the taller one.
“Sure!” Chanyeol replied enthusiastically.
Baekhyun closed his eyes and waited for his lover to lean over to give him a kiss. After a few seconds later, he did not feel another pair of lips against his. Instead, it was a finger that had brushed over his lip to wipe his lip gloss off. The old boy opened his eyes immediately and witness how the taller one had put his finger into his mouth and tasted the lip gloss.
“It really tastes like strawberry!” Innocent Chanyeol announced it out happily.
Baekhyun could not believe it.
What an innocent and unromantic boyfriend he had.
Did this less than an hour >.< Hope you like it !