
Jun 07, 2013 22:57

Turkey is not calm at all. Many protesters are in the square to against government.But PM of turkey wants to solve this problem with "iron fist":
Turkey's prime minister vows to continue Gezi Park development

I see there is a comment of this artical, which is the most recommended comment.
i just paste it here:

06 June 2013 4:52pm
What do you say to a citizen of this planet that their birth into this world is unwelcome unless they follow the orders of self-serving politicians whose only interest is to help the parasites of the billionaires? What is the answer to countless people in a country who are only remembered as being exploited in a wealth-making machine, or when their votes are needed in order to fuel the production of more of the same, dictators of all kinds?
You cannot remain sane in a society where the power holders’ continuous lies, spread by the means of the public, make fun of the truth which is rooted in the hearts of millions, where honesty is punished and hypocrisy is rewarded from the public purse.
The regime in Turkey can order the crushing of the protests, can hurl the children of the nation to the ground, can blind or suffocate them in the cloud of poisonous teargas or arrest them but it cannot ever push back the determined, awakened conscience which has spread its unifying voice over every corner of the country.
The regime has not seen yet what is behind the stone throwing masses. It is as blind as ever. You may continue your lies when people are disunited, know nowhere to take their grievances and feel weak, but when the same people notice the hollow power of the security forces, the empty slogans are unheard under the crushing sound of the masses’ revolutionary avalanche.
Elections and parliament which were supposed to be an alternative to dictatorship, become tools in the hand of oppressors to break down the very grain of democracy, to establish a colourful facade as a cover for the heart of the matter which is nothing but the dictatorship of capital, source of inequality and its management.
As is in the UK, people are needed during elections, not because they will gain anything from it, but in order to help the political class solve their differences; we the people are part of their internal arguments and must decide which side is more capable in managing the system of inequality and breaking down any protest against it. This is the bitter truth of what is left for us. Erdogan, Cameron and Obama are typical examples of what this system can produce. Do we have any doubt that it is a sham democracy?
Turkish people are battling bravely in the same field where their ancestors lost their lives in order to make the country for the people, not against them. The octopus of despotism and charlatanism is battling with ultimate cruelty and still thinks it has the right to continue its power against whatever the country is proud of, a resilient nation which can overcome its difficulties, not by compromise but through an honest fight. They truly deserve a free and equal country.
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