MUCC report

May 14, 2006 01:03

Ok today I've not worked a lot... but I have to write this report -__-

MUCC 05.05 KÖLN, Gloria Theater

I learn that was the people of the fan site about MUCC ^^ that really strange that I've met this people in Germany because in France I just frequent the people on the MUCC french fan site!

So we arrive for 2pm to Köln go to eat something after take a long time to find a parking -___-

The live house is like a café, so we take a place and drink something. we have to wait untill 4pm then we begin to queue! blabla... ok just a summary ... I've speak with some belge (because they speak in french).
the door open at 7.30pm I run in front of the scene, and I have two possibility ... Miya or Yukke X___X

I decided Yukke like last year! so I have my first place in front of yukke (and really opposite of him!!!) *o*
the staff man removes black fabric on the scene, letting appear the set list under my eyes
the live begin with 2 song of 6 (but first I haven't recognized this song and at the end of the live I've said .... "oh shit why they haven't played this song!" yeah I know I'm just a stupid girl XD

the song are all really good, and for this live I headbang all time! when Yukke or Tatsorou come with the front one of the scene I don't try to touch her pants or something I continue to headbang, and sometime I look at him, but the music are so cool, I can't stop to move!
for saru Yukke begin to come in front of the scene *o*

then for Monster Tatsu take the mic with her feet and play with it! that so funny.
yuu beni it's really a good song (the song of the 6 album are made for the live! that's incredible!!!

It's a fucking fan boy who tried to passe in front of me like a fucking shit guy!!! but I'm a crazy girl, I have fight between two headbang and save my place ^^ (and my live space!)

I think it's at this moment that yukke send his pic on the scene, the girls next to me try to take it but it fall, so I put my shoe on and take it! oh no ... how can it be possible!!! I have the pic (\(*o*)/)I am to drop to collect it, but a guy behind me is advanced and I could not any more raise me. (I'm sure it's a vengeance!! X__X it's the same fucking guy!)
but the security man come to help me ^^ (he loves me XD) and say the guy to go back!

they come back for the encore, when tatsu comes back he strikes the back of yukke with his hand, and yukke was so surprised XD
they had play daikirai **o** I love this song in live! and tatsurou said something like that : Are you excited ? do you want more ? DO YOU WANT MORE ? Are you ready ? ARE YOU FUCKING READYYYY ? (end all the people screamed yeaaaaaaaaahh!)

the final with Haruka ... all I can say its T____T
the live ended and I'm like I can't doing anything else, the only thing I think is I WANT TO SEE MUCC AGAIN!
I ask the security man for having the setlist, but he says me that it's too much scotch >___< so I wait and ask the Staff and he want to give it to me, but around be was two big guy (they are fucking guy too!) who fight themselves for the setlist... I just say them : you're an arschloch!!! bullocks! I have ask befor! fuck you!! you have any respect(seriously I'm a little girl, really little(I'm old but little ^^'), and they are two big man ... what could I do!) so any setlist!

I go to the goodies stand and take a 6 album and a Patch ^^ that's all because it's lot of people and I have to go...

A really unforgettable live, really great, but that's not a surprise ^^
I would have Kokoro no nai machi -___- but perhaps next time! that's lot other song I like, but I have seen this song in the live in Paris last year, so no regret!

set list :
1- kuukyo naheya
2- akai sora
3- saru
4- hari bote no otona
5- rojiura boku no kimi e
6- daremo iranai
7- saishuu ressha
8- forty six
9- media no juusei
10- akatsuki yami
11- ame no orchestra
12- Monster
13- yuu beni
14- suimin
15- rancyuu
ENC1- daikirai
ENC2- nanonamuki yume
ENC3- haruka
it's perhaps boujenjitzu in more (?)


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