Hagakure Report!

Apr 23, 2006 22:20

so the 16 april, I leave Hambourg am 13 for Schuttorf. Take a train for Bremen, another for Osnabruck (who I can see that the gare is closed after 2, and open only at 5:30 T___T I had thought to stay in the gare .... I think I have some problem for this night!!!) but it's ok, I'm totally excited so I don't think about this problem ^^'

HAGAKURE Report 16.04 Schuttorf

so I arrive actually in schuttorf bahnhof... it's a little city, the gare is so little T___T and I see any hostel her ... ok don't worry, be cool, perhaps it's only one hotel here, and you could be in the same hotel that the band ^^

when I'm in Schuttorf a guy ask me if I go for the live, I say yes ^^' and we search for the live house together... when we find it, it's almost 15-20 people waiting there! but I feel me really alone, with all this German people, and I'm to tired for understand anything T___T I miss my friend for the twister party time! all the sing people do here, I find it so bored, but when I'm with my friend it's totally cool and fun!

I'm waiting and it's a bit cold T___T We go in at 8 I think... a bit late... and I go in the goodies stand! I want to buy the CD... (22 euro the mini ... it's a little expensive for 4 songs, but the ticket for the live was really cheep!) I'm the last one to pass because I haven't little money ... and the guy have no change -____-''

But it's only 60 people here, so when I go behind the scene, I find a place in the first rank (ok I'm not front of Kaya, but I don't care, I'm in front of a musician, and I see all the scene...)
the live begin, and the musician in front of me is Mako, the bassist. the show begin, and the fan scream their enthusiam. I don't really do the parapara ^^' I'm not really prepared, and a little tired because I haven't sleep enough! I took fear when I saw the setlist with only 8 tracks ^^'
but it's ok... the live is cool, I can feel the bass vibration, and it's realy good.

Kaya the singer smile always, and jump all the time (ok just little jump like little girl in hood ^^') Sometimes he try to speak german with his paper in katakana... I think I'm one of all whose understand the best his German... because I think foreigner speak the same German XD
He try to speak really often and repeat every time slowly and for being sur we understand. in the end of the live he take some paper with the name of the band, for presenting the members : mako in bass, Gojiroooo the drumer, Jun (with the paper in the wrong side) the guitar Hero, and Kaya the singer... he ask for hagakure : Wir sind ... and the public say : HAGAKURE!!!
Kaya has not his Mickey mouse hand, but a fan in the public have one, and he use it for the song!
the fan are typical fangirl, and sometimes I believe Kaya will fall in the public ^^" poor Kaya!
Mako are really stressed, he is so concentrated and look always who it's anyone, or upstair ^^'
Gojiro it's 'normal' he is fun, but I haven't notice something in particular.
Jun is really amazing ^^ he do some fantastic solo, and play with kaya every time.

the live ended, we scream for the Encore, and the band come alone, without Kaya and play almost a song enterly without him, because his was changing his wear!
first he had a sort of kimono with and read. and after he had a violet kimono, so beautiful with flower. (I try to post a photo tomorrow)when the leave the scène I ask the guy to give me the setlist.. I want tho Kaya one, with the german katakana ^^' but he gives me the one iin front of me, so the Mako one ^^

the guys of Astan make to win backstage for 2 fan! I don't won ^^'
and the public call the band one more time. they come again and play two song they have still played before (I think the two who are in the mini album, but I've forgot what song!!!) I want to ask Mako he give me is pic, but I have no time, he is still go back in the backstage. So I ask again the guy of Astan ^^

the live is over... and we wait for the signed session!
and I go to ask for an Hotel T___T the barman says that he don't know and ask to something else. he call the guy of the live house. the guy speak a bit with me, and say that he go asking to Stefan -but who is Stefan ^^'- Stefan come, and says that he must asked to his friend ^^' Actually the friend say that I can sleep by her *o* incredible!!! they are so nice with me! so I can go to the dedicace with light heart ^^

I'm waiting, I have lot of time, because the girl works for Astan, and I must wait that all is over... So I'm not pressed. I make my photo with kaya (Thomas, the guy I meet in the gare take it for me) and i make dedicated my CD. and also I ask Mako to sign his pic... when he see it, he smile *o* oh my god, Mako knows how to smile!!! XD but that's really short!

the rest ... well I wait for the Girl so nice who I go to sleep, and I see Jun and Gojiro passed behind me. I also see Mako, is so short (but I like it ^^) Kaya make some interview. After all, we go in the car... and well I'm not alone in the car, I must stay on the knees of the Girl, because in the back it's still the members of he band and their manager. that's really incredible...
after Jun says always chimpoko I listen that they speak about Gacktu magnum, and Kaya sing some malice mizer stuff ^^' and I speak with the guy of Astan, I find he is really nice, and he think in a good way about lot of thing.
So I have good slept. lot of kiss to S. she was very nice! and that's so memorable ^^ *head in the star*

but I have to write still another report ... yesterday I've seen BORIS in Hannover...that was different... in lot of way... but that was excellent too!


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