so much bad news T_____T

Mar 21, 2006 14:47

well it makes almost 2 weeks I leave France, and I've nothing posted since I'm in Germany...

I've said in myself, after posted a message on the TERU BBS with a friend of mine, I will write something, but the news are terrible T_____T

yesterday morning, I've shake the BBS and read that Aikaryu had an traffic accident -________- I've passed all my day to understand this fucking google translation, which is totally shit understandable!!! but I'm really idiot, and I've found an LJ who have some information -____- (don't forget... for all thing a LJ exist!!!)

so I was really worry about TERU why I don't understand the few information, but he seems not so anxious is more for ULI who have break-ed legs (the both) and for a drummers it's really hard... moreover I've just read that he must have 6 month of rehabilitation...and the worst is shagrath whose has a skull injured -_______-

ohh why all my favorite band (with which I've that intense feeling, because in fact I have a lot of favorite band, but with some band like aikaryu, it's more that music feeling...) well it's too bad new this time!

Deadman and D'AIR said they disbaned (but I don't really care, that's not band I really listen... but the same day the new was announced)

disbanned ... the worst for me is of course PLC news : why they are making new live, and a future release, if it's for saying goodbye ... if they reformed only for a goodbye, why they haven't say that at first ... the new that they are together again was so fantastic, I fall to hard now T____T

and Aikaryu TT___________TT I'm really sad about this new, I can't think about other thing... I shake al blog all the time ! please why?!!! why I'm so stressed for a band >____< I'm really affected by this new, and some friend don't understand that. But this last day, I only speak about aikaryu with a friend and ouaaa accident arrives! like that! -____-" it's really understandable! I want to cry... you think it's excessive ? but I really want to cry... all I read about the accident, the feeling of Daiki are so sad !

and like this is not enough shit, I recipe a mail from jpophous (where I've ordering ISABELLE chain 1999 release) which said me that they don"t accept credit card paymant online!!!! only paypal! so WHY YOU PROPOSE OTHER PAYMENT FUCKING BITCH!!! it's so stupid you know! if they don't want payment with credit card, they mustn't propose it! right ?!

well I'm waiting for ISABELLE and DACCO new release, and hope I feel better with it -______- (and I've ever listen Dacco release! my friend are so cute ^^' (*ironies*) and speaking along about "dacco is so great, you must listen it" XD so I have listen it ...

and I'm shocked yasu (janne da arc) hasn't long hair anymore X___X (ok he's sexy again, but !!!! WTF where are his hair???)

what else ? ok MUCC come in Marseille, that's is in my town but I wasn't here... so I must makes 200 km for see them (instead of 2km -____-" cool)

and finally I hope there is ANY other bad news like NOIZ have the grippe aviaire (ok I don't know how translate this!) and kishidan are actually so old to continued J-music -____- and nothing with rentrer en soi ??? no really ? that's strange >___

and why I can't make an LJ cut correctly >___< grrrrr!

well my home is great, I live with 3 other girl (1 spain, 1 irish and 1 german) I don't speak really with the german girl... the two other are really nice. I don't get out often ^^' but the city is nice too... in two days I go in Hannover for a "vernissage" in Kestner Museum, my friend have invitation for us... and we can also meet Thomas Hirschorn (artist) so that's really great!
Perhaps I stay 3 or 4 day in Hannover, but I don't know yet... it's depend if I meet the guys for my Prakticum ...
hum... I've really not much thing to tell about my life here... I speak so lon on msn with my friend and after I sleep so muuuuch -______-
and now I think I'm become sick @_____@

Ohh I've look at the wither 05 DVD and on 2h15, it's 45 min about the live in Paris ^^ that's really cool, moreover they have filmed child prey ^^ (but I havn't see me or my friends on the video ^^')

I must a letter post -______- but I don't want go out ! but I have too >___< it's for my best friend!!!... ... ... well I get now !

bye ^^
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