DIRTRUCKS or the Japanese Rock'n Roll !

Oct 28, 2006 16:17

well I haven't really write a lot this month,, but I have make lot of live!
So today I write about DIRTRUCKS

I worked this day, but I ask for leaving few hours before 7pm because I have a meet at 6pm. But finally the live house was really close to my work place. Just 5 minutes in feet ^^' yes I'm a tourist in my own town! Fortunately I Look at a map before I have to go!

So I arrive before the live house, see some friend... in fact only my friend wait here, because we have a meeting... but the people we wait arrive late. So we will meet them before the show... and finally after the show because they need to eat (and drink) something...

Result : next time I could stay at work until the begin of the show!!! anyway that was good to leave sooner ^^' because I was really tired.

the show begin : first I see National All Dust french band

I like this band : it's like the new English rock (between the strokes, franz ferdinand and interpol...) their sound was cool, and the singer was crazy. they jump down the scene and come in the middle of the public with his guitar. I'm just cared to be hurt by his guitar because I was really front oh him!

Next are DIRTRUCKS : http://www.myspace.com/dirtrucks

three pretty girl who play rock'n roll
their performance was rock as well. we headband, and that was good to hear this kind of rock'n roll. I don't listen lot of this kind of music. But this girl play good. what a pity that the mic of the voice was not the best, we don't listen well.

third : FRUSTRATION french band

this band was dejanté!!!! (totally crazy) look like rock à Billy, but the music was some kind of Electro (sometimes look like The Cure sound) but I have to go outside the live House for my meeting. Unfortunately I can't listen this band T_T but they seems good too.

after the live I took a picture with the three girl of DIRTRUCKS ^^ (but I look so bad, so I don't show it ^^')

I forget to write another party that I liked very much, but I have two report again to write... hum the next will be a surprise!

ohh I look to listen the new go!go!7188 : parade! and la vie en rose (anyone ?)


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