So, once upon a time there was an adventure...
First we stopped by the best pizza joint in the Metro-detroit area and visited my brother. Shown here with my Aunt Carol.
And then my cousin Dalton started giving me the crazy eyes because I was stoned.
Like in this photo with my father.
Then we decided to take a trip down memory lane.
Me and Misty a bit tipsy. I miss that gal!
And then Dani got with Brandon.
And I got jealous so I humped the bench.
Then Dani felt bad and joined us.
And then we (Reva (dani's mom), Nikki, me, and Dani.) decided to get tattoos. So, that's what we did.
And then Anthony wanted to be a star too.
And me and Nikki wanted to play Sumo wrestler attack!
And then Dani eyeballed us...
And then Avrom came and made everthing better.
And we found out that Mark is in fact cheating on Justin with the Buddy Christ...
and some innocent little pumpkins.
And Dooley that creepy fella. Well, he just keeps getting creepier. Who sleeps under chairs and shit?
And then Dani informed us that she wanted to be a stripper. But, she doesn't have the tits for it, and I don't think her boyfriend, Whore would like that.
Then me and Nikki put our heads together to come up with a game plan.
And we came up with an idea.
So, we took baths...
and got all sexy!
note Nikki's monster cleavage.
Dani got a hickey while we were showering...
...from the crazy tall guy who made me a pink balloon animal alien.
Oh and on a side note Dan Gaken was at SIBS weekend too.
and her and Leah got Rum-dawg all cute too.
Then we headed over to Kiffer's. On the way we found guys with nice butts walking down the hall.
And some random girls.
But, when we got there Dani had an accident.
But, my drunk ass loved her anyways.
And I love me my Nikki, and some canceer sticks. I'm a Salem girl.
And I whored around with the Reverend Xhafer Husen. Love it bitches.
And my boyfriend was happy despite my whoring around and not taking any pics with him.
So, since my boyfriend was happy I took another pic with Sexy Xie.
And then Nick-let was there and him and Nikki are too cute.
And my sister started chewing a dog bone. God only knows why.
Then I decided to play Paris Hilton with a K-Mart camera and my bathroom mirror.
And then I looked at the camera with my Paris Hilton wannabe "Come Fuck Me Stare"...
...and crawled into Nikki's bed.
The End. I hope you all enjoyed my story.