Dec 19, 2004 17:11
last night well early this morning, twas sillyness. As always. I want to have ONE weekend where I am just a loser and sit at home watching movies or something. Maybe this coming up weekend, afterall tis christmas. yes. movies. sitting. home. warm. ah.
to make a long story short, we got screwed over again. ended up at K & K's because we were cold and had to use the restroom. twas like two a.m. I dont want to talk about all the series of events. why? Because they make me angry and frown. But K & K are sweet for the most part, at least were last nite, & halfway drunken girl drove us home. I was so utterly delighted to be in a car. You can't even comprehend. We were in the cold for hours, hours i say, hours. We couldn't feel any part of us. Finealee we went bak through the window but with the numbness i didnt have any control of my body, so we just dove into my room head first & hit the floor. Then we had our fun. eh eh. Which we oh so deserved. I don't remember the rest. But we woke back up around 12 & my room was a wreck & we both had huge bruises all over our legs and arms. I don't even want to rememeber.
Then we layed around talkin to Dus. & got rede & he came over for a minute to get nikstah. We sat in my room while she got rede & then i finealee decided to get rede around 2:30 for the GAPP meeting that started at 3. Twas prettie boring but there was food, so what can i say.
I have so much homework that I desire to scream at the top of my lungs while running out the door pulling my hair out. So i am going to go attempt to: read huck finn, go gapp internet assignment, study for german test, study & take notes for FOUR fuckin sections in history, do my chem. worksheets & reviews & study for that as well, & thats probably not all but tis all i can rememember & seems to be enough to keep me occupied.
Tuesday afternoon better hurry the fuck up. School sucks so bad these days. errr.
I am going to go talk to nikstah on the phone.