Nov 14, 2004 21:27
i dont believe i like subject lines much. so friday twas a mixture of good and Bad. but mostly good. :) eh eh. like gal says "they jus jealous of your wit" haha. o yes. so after school friday, at like 5:30 or so Niki & Dus picked me up. and we went and saw polar express with nikis lil sister. that movie was fuckin grand. i swear. we were so into it. then afterwards we went up and met austin and jeff behind publix, then took them to jeffs, then we went to some field for like 5 minutes. and left. I was a tad bit dissapointed in my austinness. but oh well. I got over it. then we went up to cherydale to see lil bridg & other people then left to go back to nikis. and after a lil mayhem (ha.) we got there. dus left around 11. then uhm me and niki sat around? and woke up the next day. then i left around 4ish & went over Carmens to see my niece. slept over there. then this morn we went to some church where we were the only white people there. haha. one of those "JUMP IF YOU LOVEE JESUS" and i was told "DONT SLEEP WITH NO THUGS SISTA OH NO. JESUS LOVES YOUU" what an insight. Then we went to dennys. went bak to carmens & i waited on chentelle...only to speak 2 words to her. err. She was fucking bawling & i had to leave. I hope shes alrite. It killed me. I saw her heart break. Shes def. down here to stay. No more alex. after 16 years. No more no more. Then i went to Liz'z to watch the movie for GAPP with everyone. twas boring ∧ depressing. as any holocaust movie should be. Now I must go do my homework and woa. this was getting long but lj cuts being gay.