So I worked from thursday to Sunday non-stop pretty much. Ahahaha, I would have liked to have earlier shifts so I can actually do something when I go home, instead get home at 10:30 and go to sleep. Michel has been such a nice guy these past days for driving me to work and picking me up and all that stuff, and he thinks that I don't even appreciate it!! I do !!!! Very very much! I always thank him. He's crazy though. Yesterday on my way to school I saw a kitty cat and came right up to and starting rolling all around like he wanted me to pet him.. Michel didn't want me to though, he always thinks cats have fleas or soemthing just becuse they are outside, but that's not true, cat's are a very clean animal, they are actually quite picky about where they do there business how clean it is, and how clean they are, they are constantly cleaning themselves and unlike dogs, they dont stink like ass. So if you ever wonder why your cat pissing all over your house, the most likely reason is because the kitty litter is smelly, cats are a lot like humans, we don't like going to the bathroom where where you can barely breath either! And you hardly even have to train a cat to pee in his/her kitty litter they will likely find it on their own. Ok and then I saw another cat at home, i think she might have been pregnant she followed me all the way to my door and even came into my house!! Crazy! Cat's must love me, I think that maybe I was some sort of cat in my past life, or a cat in my next life! ahahaha. I still have to do Shakespeare comparative essay, just great!! School is over in just a few days. And then a few exams then it's OVER ! Yay work!!! Ahahaha. just kidding, well work is good=money! Anyways i'm bored.. bye bye
Each Virtual Red Ribbon worn will represent the 7,000 people in the UK, who it is estimated will become HIV positive in 2004