An Apology to Live Journal.

Mar 18, 2007 11:34

Dear Live Journal,

Over these past 4 years, we've had a tumultuous relationship. I've poured my heart and soul-- facts and fiction-- into you and you've borne it like no one could. You've allowed me to reflect back by holding my own words in front of me in black and white-- and how have I repaid you? I've abused you with apathy and silence and I have chosen time with friends (yes, they do actually converse with me, but that's not always a positive thing) over you and yet, each time I look're still here. Waiting.

Thank you, Live Journal, for being a pal. You are steadfast, you never argue. You simply cradle my thoughts, patiently, waiting for me to remember, once again, how true you are.

I don't have much to give you, Live Journal, but I promise you this...only a few months before our 4-year anniversary: I will not forget you. I will continue to (sporadically) share my inner- and outer-most feelings with you so that you may continue to have purpose in this oftentimes lonely and dark world.

Thank you, Live Journal, for everything that you are.

With deepest love and respect,

Sabrina Nicole Heise
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