...stole this from Christina...

Dec 22, 2004 21:32

I'm *supposed* to be cleaning my room, but Christina's at work and won't be home until 11. Also, I just got home from a band concert so I'm tired.

start time: 9:34 p.m.
[Name] Sabrina
[Nickname] Bean
[Screen name] sabrinanineteen
[Birthday] May 6
[Age] 17
[Astrological Sign] Taurus
[Chinese Zodiac Sign] I dunno...something stupid, though
[Location] my bedroom
[Sexual Preference] questionable
[Marital Status] engaged *brandishes big, shiny ring*
[Religion] atheist
[Eye Color] dark green
[Height] 5'3"
[Shoe Size] 7 1/2
[Parents still together] WRONG!
[Siblings] NEG!
[Nieces/Nephews] well fuck that
[Pets] 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 fish, 2 moms...
[School] Putnam High
[What do you drive] VW Passat, when Christina lets me

[Color] Green
[Number] 6, 19, 27
[Poker Hand] full house
[Animal] falcon
[Car] '69 vette
[Flower] carnation
[Scent] Tommy Girl
[Soda] Dr.P!
[Band] SR-71
[Song] right now...Ass Like That..."you make my pee-pee go 'Da-doing-doing-doing!'"

Do you...
[Color your hair?] WRONG!
[Twirl your hair?] err...sometimes
[Have tattoos?] NEG!
[Have Piercings?] I used to
[Have a girlfriend?] why, funny you should ask...
[Cheat on tests/homework?] every once in a while
[Like Roller Coasters?] yes'm
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sometimes
[Want more piercings?] yes!
[Like cleaning?] WRONG!
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Swear a lot?] yes.
[Own a web cam?] WRONG!
[Own a web mic?] NEG!
[Know how to drive?] nope...but I have my license!
[Diet?] well fuck that
[Own a cell phone?] yessir
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yes. fuck you.

Have You Ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] "Driving too fast for conditions."
[Been in a wreck?] yup...totaled Christina's car...almost died
[Been arested?] no. who have you been talking to?
[Been in a fist fight?] yes. who have you been talking to?
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] yeah
[Stolen Anything?] .....who HAVE you been talking to?
[Held a Gun?] yes
[Drank?] of course
[Smoked?] of course
[Been so drunk you couldnt remember your name?] of course
[Ever considered being a hooker?] of course...not. of course not.
[Cheated on someone?] yes.
[Cried over a boy?] yes.
[Lied to someone?] yes.
[Been in love?] yes.
[Fallen for your best friend?] considering Christina was my best friend over the summer...yes.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yup
[Been rejected?] yes.
[Been in lust?] I guess
[Used someone?] I guess
[Been used?] yeah.
[Been cheated on?] not that I know of...
[Been kissed?] well duh

[Mood] tired
[Taste] sugar cookie
[Current Hair] my own
[Thing I Ought to be Doing] cleaning my room...Christina's going to have a fit
[CD in Stereo] none.
[Crush] my boss...is that weird?

The last time...
[Last book you read] CALCULUS
[Last movie you saw] umm...my big fat greek wedding?
[Last thing you ate] sugar cookie
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Christina

Do you....
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yeah...this one where I'm in a house with like 100 rooms...and in every room there are just beds...and the house is mine, but none of the rooms are my room, and none of the beds are my bed.
[Play an instrument?] TSax, Trumpet, Guitar, Trombone..kind of..and Marching Quints
[Believe there is life on other planets?] there might be
[Read the newspaper?] nah
[Believe in miracles?] I believe in luck.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] yeah
[Consider love a mistake?] never
[Have a favorite candy?] TWIX!
[Belive in Astrology] No, but I still read my horoscope.
[Believe in magic?] nope
[Believe in God?] nope
[Do well in school?] nope
[Plan to go to college?] yup
[Wear hats?] sometimes
[Hate yourself?] not at the moment
[Have an obsession?] I don't think so
[Have a secret crush?] I could.
[Collect Anything?] gemstones
[Have a best friend?] yup
[Close friends?] yup
[Like your handwriting?] oh my handwriting sucks...but I love it
[Care about your looks?] once in a while

Love life...
[First Crush] oh man, I don't remember
[First Kiss] seventh grade...TK
[Single or Attached?] attached
[Ever been in love?] Yes.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] it could happen
[Do you believe in "the one"?] I don't believe there's only one person for every person...I mean, obviously you have to pick one...what I mean is, it's a decision you make...not a predestined partnership

Are you a...
[Wuss] sometimes
[Daydreamer] frequently
[Freak] err...no.
[Dork] very much so
[Bitch/Asshole] when I need to be
[Brat] like...Da Brat...or like Bratz? 'cause both suck
[Sarcastic] Am I "a sarcastic?" No. I am sarcastic. I am not a sarcastic.
[Angel] I am not "a angel," either.
[Devil] I could be...
[Shy] WRONG!
[Talkative] sure
[Flirty] oh yeah
end time: 10:06
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