Oct 02, 2009 19:32
ok so i decided to go back to school fineally or at least i thought i did.
realizing i can no longer afford to stay home and be a stay at home mom. and going back to work is kinda fucking me around cuz nobody is fucking hiring right now. and i'm sick of being at home.
i realize i haven't done my taxes yet and so i try to do them and realize i am 1. out of printer paper and 2 fucked cuzed teh ADD is kicking my ass. i'm reading the GD directions and gettig more fucking confused. and the only reason i am even attempting to do this shit is cuz i need my Grants back for school.which fucking sucks all in it self cuz even if i get them back i'm going to be on academic probation and possible finacial suspension. which brings me back to being stuck in a dead end job and oh yea did i mention nobody is hiring?
so again i am stuck in a battle against a wall.