This isn't really a meme, I'm just curious, so you don't have to tag others, etc.
I'm just wondering what everyone's 3 favorite ships are and 3 least favorite ships are.
Favorite Ships
1.) Snape/Granger-Harry Potter
This is actually my OTP and the ship that got me into reading fanfiction. I'd read some POTO ff before, but for whatever reason I never found any fics or authors I really liked. I guess it's because Snape/Granger is so not canon that people sort of have to build their own little world within the HP series.
2.) Gene/Alex-Ashes to Ashes
Like I said in another post it's a lot like Snape/Granger. Especially since Gene is a bit more angsty after Sam's death and of course the fact he is her boss. Alex Drake is also a lot like Hermione as she's bossy, a know-it-all, yet, underneath I think she feels a little insecure. Although I like angst and UST and hope BBC doesn't botch it all up, by getting them together in the middle of the show. It's ok if they get together at the end, just not now.
3.) Rochester/Jane Eye-Jane Eyre
I would have liked to say Erik/Christine, but the older I get the creepier Erik is. I can no longer think that a 50 year old man living in an Opera basement and kidnapping a young girl as romantic. It's just creepy. LOL and locking up your mentally unstable wife isn't?! Yeah, I know, but at least it's not as creepy. At least Jane had time to go away and think about the situation. Poor Christine had a deadline.
Least Favorite Ships
1.) Lucius/Hermione-Harry Potter
This one both squicks and screams OOC to me. First of all I can't fathom why anyone would think Lucius is a romantic hero. Especially when you look at the fanfiction. He's always into BDSM, cheating on Narcissa, and a hardcore Death Eater. Although Snape is also a DE and doesn't have the track record, he redeems himself in the end. Not to mention I really only think Lucius joined the DEs just because it was the thing to do. And I'm sure he would find having any relationship with someone who wasn't a Pureblood to be disgusting. (I also envision him very happy with Narcissa like Makani's versions of the Malfoys). And on top of that what would make Hermione ever want to have a relationship with Lucius Malfoy?
2.) Ron/Hermione-Harry Potter
Not because it interferes with SS/HG, I actually feel sorry for Ron when he is bashed in fics, but it doesn't make sense to me. They were always bickering and Ron is already insecure so I hate to say it, but I don't think he'd take it well if his wife was doing better than he was as a career. I think he'd be much happier with someone who wanted to be the stay-at-home mom.
3.) Ten/Rose-Doctor Who
While I don't hate this ship, I definitely do not ship them. I think it's too cute and fluffy for my tastes. Not to mention Rose got on my nerves at the end of S2. Especially when she got all upset about Sarah Jane in "School Reunion". What did she think he was doing for 900+ years? Although Nine and Ten could have got really attached to her because she was the first companion after the Time War, I still wonder what was so "special" about her? He always goes on and on about Rose after she leaves and is like "If Rose was here, we could do it..." No offense to any Rose lovers, but she would just ask the Doctor what his plan was.