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Jan 09, 2022 00:45

I had a birthday!

Last year and this year it happened to fall on a weekend, which is always nice. It means I don't have to deal with the dilemma of taking a day off work or being at work and having people comment/not comment on me having a birthday the whole day. I mean I've done all the options and they have their upsides and downsides, I just enjoy not having to deliberate with myself.

At my previous job birthdays were super awkward, we were a small department and the VP insisted we have a 30 minute department-wide meeting for every single birthday where the relevant person would have to tell everyone what they did for their special day and so on, it was suuuuper awkward.

At current job I think they just send a general greeting in the company-wide chat and people respond there. Even though few people are coming into the office these days, I'm still working from home tomorrow JUST IN CASE someone wants to talk to me about it. Augh so not into it this year. Chat greetings are more than enough when it comes to coworkers this year. (I also wonder whether work will give me some kind of coupon or some other small gift? Previous workplace did that, a lot of companies do it here, but we don't really have an HR department so IDK how it works.


I spent my birthday resting and eating delicious foods (roasted duck! crab salad with quail eggs!), having the obligatory bittersweet conversations with extended family, and finally watching Gunpowder Milkshake with friends.

Kind of a mix of John Wick and Tarantino with a billion amazing actresses and stunning visuals, and "plotty" parts that I wish worked better lol. And I even found out halfway through that it was written and directed by people from my country! So bummed that so many garbage films will get sequels on autopilot and something like this has gotten so little attention.

This year I think I've arrived at my birthday more tired than I remember being in a while (I realize getting my period ON my birthday has something to do with it).

I have some vacation days in two weeks and I CANNOT WAIT.

Also, and I feel like this is the most tech industry thing ever (at least by local standards), next week at my job I'm going to have a yay and an ugh situation.

- For the past few months I've had a daily meeting at 10am, but starting next week it's CANCLED which means I SOMETIMES will have to come to a daily meeting at 10:30am, but really my first MANDATORY meeting of the day will be at 11am.

11am!!! Sweet liberation. Until now I've had to wake up at 9:30am so that I'm like, awake and functional by the time I join the 10am zoom (even on days when I worked from the office, most of the time I took that morning meeting from home).

But now! I get at least another half hour of sleep! If not getting to start my day at 11am, which is how it used to be when I first started working at this company! I generally have trouble falling asleep before 2am these days, so knowing I don't have to work until 11am is such a huge wonderful thing for my sleep schedule.

- On the other hand, next week, for the first time since I started at this company, I have not one, not two, but THREE goddamn evening meetings (because I work with North American clients). That's one meeting at 6-7pm (OK fine, technically I'm supposed to work until 6 anyway, so it's just one extra hour), another meeting at 7-8pm (UGH WHAT) and another meeting at 8-9pm (!!!!!!). The terrible thing is that each meeting was initiated by a different team and for a different client, so I can't even be like "COME ON GUYS YOU CAN'T OVERWORK ME LIKE THIS".

So ugh, it's going to be a week of long days (I mean I'll still have time "off" during the day but having THREE evenings a week dedicated to work ughhh) but on the other hand, at least I get to start my day at 10:30-11:00. I suppose a day that's 11:00am to 7pm would actually just be a regular 8 hour work day, at least.

Anyway, I feel both overworked and enormously privileged to have this schedule. On the one hand, "normal" jobs are not supposed to have meetings that last until 9pm. On the other, I've never had a job until this one where I was allowed to start my day later than 9:30am, and that meant being IN THE OFFICE by 9:30, not cuddling in bed with my phone as my morning meetings currently go.
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