1. Had an absolutely atrocious day today, to the point where I felt pretty destroyed by the afternoon and decided to take the rest of the day to rest and recover, something that I can apparently do now that I'm unemployed. What a miracle.
2. Had a bunch of interviews that my pessimistic brain is certain will not work out. The same part of my brain is whispering that I'll never get another job interview again. The problem is mainly that once I started getting a few interviews my time to send out more CVs has diminished drastically, and I really need to get back into the swing of things. Sigh, I keep telling myself "next week".
3. Had a lovely moment with a friend when I was feeling down, asked if she wanted to meet up, she said she already had plans she couldn't cancel, and I was like "well, makes sense, sigh" (to myself, not to her) but then after a while she got back to me just to check in, and ask if something really dramatic has happened, in which case she will break her unbreakable plans to come support me, because she knows that when things get really bad for me I lose the ability to reach out, so if this is one of those times she'll do the reaching out for me.
It was just a very sweet moment of Being Known and of a friend really listening when I explain how things work for me and actively learning how to be the best possible friend of this particular Marina.
4. THIS WEEKEND exciting things are going to happen!
roga and I are going on a road trip which will include SLEEPING INSIDE A GIANT CRATER in the DESERT so we can stargaze and watch meteors.
I mean really it will mean sleeping inside a tent and a sleeping bag, which I've never done before in my life, so uh, I hope I survive this! Also the long drive and the hikes we have planned and generally all the activities this mad weekend will include.
I would NEVER be able to do something like this when I had a job because the disability risks mean I couldn't be sure I'd be able to sit in a chair all day come Monday. But now I'm unemployed, and at absolute worst case will have time to recover, so. I can go on an adventure :D
5. I've been watching Motherland: Fort Salem, a show I was clearly born to write where it's our modern world but there's a mandatory draft for all witches and they serve in a special section of the military and fight other magical armies.
The world of the witches is a modern matriarchy AU (in some ways I feel like it was made to appeal to the crowd to loved "The Handmaid's Tale" series but through a uptopia rather than a dystopia), and that coupled with 95% of the characters being women in military uniforms doing magic... I mean.
This show is not amazingly written (IT WOULD HAVE BEEN, IF THEY'D HIRED ME TO WRITE IT) but the premise is so amazing it's still somehow worth my time. It's also queer as hell and the cast is relatively racially diverse so like. If this is meant to appease the liberal feminist crowd, please give me MOAR.
on Dreamwidth