Festivid recs!

Feb 15, 2019 22:42

Gosh, I love Festivids. I'm eternally sad that, because it happens in the winter, when my disability stuff is at its worst, I'll basically never be able to participate it in again, probably. My back just can't handle the amount of hours it takes to make a vid, in terms of sitting in front of a computer, in December-January.

Anyway, I still love all the vids a lot and watch most if not all of them every year. And here I come to you with recs!

1. It's nothing at all by condnsdmlk (Битва за Севастополь | Battle for Sevastopol (2015)).

We'll start with my hands down FAVORITE VID of this year that I've already watched a gazillion times and sent to all my Russian speaking friends. This vid is based on a movie about WWII that features, among other things, the story of one of the deadliest snipers of the war, Lyudmila Pavlichenko. I've avoided watching the movie since it came out for a variety of reasons, but this vid is EVERYTHING I WISHED THE MOVIE COULD BE (and may the movie actually is? idk) AND MORE.

It is basically a distillation of my entire playlist for getting inspiration for my original writing. It is the story I want about women and war, rendered so beautifully and with such emotion. Everything from the shots of Lyudmila in her civilian life, before the war, with her friends, wearing dresses and braids, to her on the frontlines, to soldiers dancing and goofing around because that's what you do with your friends in the trenches, to the lonely work of a sniper, to how hollow heroism is, how poisonous and destructive war is even to those it spares.

I will be watching this vid over and over forever, basically. It's stunning, it's brutal, it's joyous, it's devastating, it's everything.

2. Tail as Old as Time by eruthros, thingswithwings (My Cat from Hell)

My second favorite vid of this year, marrying surly cats to a song from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. (Between these two vids you basically have my personality and interests down, lol.) I don't even care about the Disney movie! But the song and material are SO perfect together. Guaranteed to raise your spirits. I've already shown this vid to rooms full of fangirls to much squee and delight.

3. what i need by cosmic_llin (Saving Face (2004))

I don't think I've ever seen a fanvid for this movie? And I'm SO HAPPY THIS ONE EXISTS. It's a bit slower than I usually like them, but it works and it's so lovely and delightful, just like the movie itself. I've actually liked it even more on second viewing, so I suspect I'll be rewatching it in the future.

4. All Star by maristu (The Good Place)

A JASON VID! Eeee I loved this so much!

5. I Know What I Am by mithborien (Ocean's 8)

There were a couple of Ocean's 8 vids I loved this year, starting with this one. It's a pretty chronological retelling of the movie, but I love that it pauses over each woman with the "I know what I am" repetition. The vibe overall is exactly what I wanted for this movie.

6. The Ministry of Silly Walks by teyla (The Thick of It)

Literally just Malcolm Tucker running to places, but somehow it's hilarious.

7. Prove It On Me by runawaynun (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)

A fanvid about a lesbian doctor in Australia in the 1920s! Again this is a fanvid that I would have loved regardless, because this character needed to have her own fanvid, and it's a lovely little vignette.

8. Sisters of the Moon by AurumCalendula (Hidden Figures)

AAAAH a fanvid of this movie! I love that it's not a straight forward retelling of the film, I love again the vibe the music sets, and how it focuses on the small facial expressions and personal moments for the characters.

9. Brave by colls (Alias Grace)

Again a canon I'm delighted to see vidded, and the song choice is really lovely too.

10. Ninefox by Rhea (Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee)

I'm always so skeptical about fanvids for book fandoms but they always turn out to be AMAZING and this is no exception. I've only read the first book in the series (Ninefox Gambit) but this fanvid was GLORIOUS. So many techniques to convey the identity/shifting reality aspects of the book.

11. Breaking the Habit by Isagel (My Cat From Hell)

Yes, this is another MCFH vid and you NEED TO WATCH IT. Nothing has ever embodied Linkin Park as thoroughly as angry felines. This vid is GLORIOUS.

12. Rich Dude's House by gwenfrankenstien (Ocean's 8)

Another Ocean's 8 vid! This one is just a fun party celebration of everything the movie is, and I actually love that it's exactly as long as it needs to be instead of being a full retelling of the movie.

13. Say Amen by dirty_diana (Iron Fist)

I still can't believe I'm reccing a Ward Meachum vid considering I didn't like him on the show, didn't like the show in general, and desperately wish we could get a vid for Colleen. But there were a couple of Ward vids this year, and this one was my favorite. (Yes, the PATD song helped.) It's everything messy and fucked up about Ward, and if anything that's the parts of him I enjoyed.

14. Lockdown by ryfkah (Underground (TV))

Wow, this vid. I almost hesitate to rec it because it feels like a compilation of the show's most harrowing moments, but I have to if only for the pairing of "I can't keep myself / and keep you too" and Noah's scenes with Rosalee, because it's just... to powerful to pass up. God, this vid.

15. Let's Get Into The Theories by bessyboo (Buzzfeed Unsolved (Web Series))

Look I DON'T EVEN GO HERE, but this vid paired Unsolved with the Buffy musical and something really wonderful came out. I highly recommend you give it a chance.

16. Goodbye by feedingonwind (The Innocents (1961))

I haven't watched this movie, and I don't like creepy imagery, but this vid is a stunning piece of art, and I recommend it.

17. Seven Nation Army by jagwriter78 (Foyle's War)

Again haven't watched this source, but now I kind of want to? It's a lovely vid about war, basically. I enjoyed watching it as its own closed universe.

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rec, festivids

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