Black Sails fic recs

Oct 12, 2016 13:09

Hello! So, in the last 2 weeks I:

* moved
* THAT DAY got hella sick
* remained sick (fever, vomiting, meds) and essentially bedridden for 7 days
* went back to work desperately trying not to pass out
* and also handle my new apartment that I haven't touched since moving day
* and somehow live there as if it's comfortable and livable already
* while being sick and going to work
* finally, I'm now on vacation for 2 weeks! \\\\o////
* I'm not really doing anything special, but hey it's time off, and I'm basically planning to use as much of it to chill and not do the things I usually do as possible.

I still owe so many people responses and emails and just, so many chores have piled up /o\

But I can't deal with not having any posts up in this space anymore (I keep thinking about all the posts I want to write and it makes my brain overcrowded), so let's have something light and useful to the people. FIC RECS!

So over the last few weeks as I've been watching Black Sails (let me tell you, getting sick was definitely conducive to rewatching the whole show again) I've been going over AO3 and basically clicking on everything. My favorite fics so far have been two longer fics with a plot, and then a bunch of lovely PWPs.

Under the cut I will present them in that order. All are Flint/Silver (I honestly didn't seek out that pairing, it's just what I ended up liking of everything I've read) and some take place after season 3 so, under the cut.

Until death it is all life. (12378 words) by Craftnarok
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Summary: "Ever since Flint told Silver about Thomas he hasn't been able to stop imagining Flint with another man. But then that turns into him imagining Flint with him, and it's only been a few days, but Silver thinks he might be about to lose his mind. So he has to do something about it."

This is one of my two favorite fics in this fandom, and I'm willing to reread it over and over again. Even though it's set after S3, the Silver in this reminds me a lot more of the Silver of S2, before he got so dark and broody, and while I love dark and broody as well, this is just... a really fun, really in-character, spot on version of Silver and Flint getting together.

I love the humor in this, particularly, and still crack up at some of the lines, no matter how much I reread. I think it's mostly that this fic taps into a dynamic I love, where Flint, who is used to being master of all he surveys, is just utterly and confounded by Silver and his antics and strategies. Like Flint is just so CONFUSED for a bit, until he remembers himself and how he must climb every mountain.

st. augustine is that way (18134 words) by vowelinthug
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Summary: "James Flint had yet to meet a conversation he couldn't avoid. John Silver had yet to meet a routine he couldn't disrupt."

This is my other favorite fic in this fandom and it is just... I NEED 50K OF IT. I NEED IT TO GO ON FOREVER. This is one of those fics I would never sign up for on paper but in reality it just... works. AND IS THE BEST.

This is set years after the show, with Flint having quit pirating and Silver coming to find him. I can't really do this fic justice, it's a slow burn, it has all the things I love and all the personality quirks and Flint being so resentful and yet so hopeful underneath, finally happy as a solitary introvert who spends all his days doing physical labor, which is just perfect. And Silver who is of course the height of socialness and indulgence and doesn't understand why a single day of hard work is necessary if one can afford to just relax.

Also in terms of worldbuilding, even though this fic is part of the trend I dislike in Black Sails fandom (but understand why it's there, considering the canon) of homosexuality being something odd and unusual and secretive among pirates, despite this, this fic has the best worldbuilding for this show I've ever encountered. Starting with - IT BRINGS CHRISTIANITY BACK INTO THIS VERSE. Christianity as an organizing principle, which you either participate in or have to position yourself against. I miss this on the show SO MUCH. It was such a huge aspect of the historical fic I grew up reading.

Anyway, this has great Silver and great Flint and great writing and I just love this fic A LOT.

Whetstone (4816 words) by balloonstand
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Summary: "Written for the prompt: Shaving fic. Flint shaving Silver, or Silver shaving Flint. Something where the intimacy and eroticism of that act is highlighted, as well as the amount of trust it requires."

This and the rest of the recs are PWPs. This one is about Flint shaving Silver! Again I love their dynamic here, and I LOVE the use of a historical thing, like the way men used to be shaved (even old school shaving today is different to what was done in the early 1700s) and the social context of who gets to shave whom, and so on. I'm not usually big on shaving fics, but this one is really great.

push (2813 words) by tessykins
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Summary: "God above, you infuriate me," Flint gritted out.
"And you need me," Silver smirked. Flint growled and his fists clenched. Silver appreciated the sentiment. He’d become all too familiar with need ever since he’d joined this god-forsaken crew.

Possibly my favorite PWP, because in addition to being hot it also gives Silver and Flint the kind of background at gay sex that I actually approve of, lol. It's neither "this is totally standard" nor "this is totally weird", but something nuanced in between. Also, hot.

Fairlead (5724 words) by Farasha
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Series: Part 1 of Any Port in a Storm
Fairlead: A ring or hook that keeps a line running true, preventing it from rubbing or fouling.
"I don't want to be a pirate, I'm not interested in the life, I'm not interested in the fighting, I'm not interested in the ships. Don't care much for the sea while we are on the subject." - John Silver

This fic is part of a series of PWPs that I lovely primarily because they offer a different flavor of Silver/Flint porn than everything else I've read. In most of the popular fics in the fandom Flint and Silver are very gentle with each other physically, perhaps to compensate for how brutal they are with each other emotionally. And I love that! But this fic is them being rough, and having a slightly less modern attitude to sexuality in general, and I enjoyed that a LOT.

Also as the series progresses it basically becomes missing porn scenes from different episodes in S2, which is also great.

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fandom: black sails, rec

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