Fic Summaries - 2015 Round

Dec 16, 2015 22:24

This is the list of fics for ARTISTS to peruse for claiming. Please note that claiming doesn't begin until December 18th, midnight Eastern Standard Time (please note the time zone change. This is because your mods actually need to be awake in order to facilitate the early stages of the claiming process).

The summaries are under the cut. Every author received a confirmation email from us, so if you can’t find your summary in this list, please get in touch with us ASAP (sabrielbigbang @ gmail dot com)

Please read the summaries very carefully, and take note of the fics' numbers. You'll use those numbers during claiming. We've also listed ratings, approximate word counts, and warnings.

THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL CLAIM FORM. Claims will go live at the Tumblr mirror at midnight, December 18th EST. At that time, you will submit your choices via a simple form.

Please, keep in mind that every author worked really hard to meet the deadline. If you need to drop out, contact us as soon as possible.

Summaries under the cut:


Rating: E
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 34,000
Summary: With Gabriel along for the ride, defeating Lucifer seems like a sure thing. Especially when he remembers about the key to the Cage. But is anything ever that simple? And can Sam and Gabriel’s relationship survive the in the real world?


Rating: T
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 43,000
Summary: Sam is a depressed teen who doesn't have anywhere he can really turn. His mother and brother both work, his father is overseas, and his friends have their own lives and he doesn't want to burden any of them. So, he starts looking for other options. What he finds is a summer camp that deals specifically with teens with depression and anxiety, and he decides to go. The counselor in charge of he and his bunkmates is Gabriel Milton, a happy-go-lucky, overly helpful and very friendly kid, and not someone Sam wants to associate with. Over the summer, things change, and Sam realizes Gabe isn't as happy as he makes himself out to be, and the two boys are caught up in a romance neither of them expected.


Rating: E
Warnings: Mild self-worth issues
Approximate Word Count: 60,000
Summary: Gabriel works for a highly recognized, respectable and famous online news site. All his articles are fan-favorites for their quirk and comedy, allowing him to have free rein over his subject matter. Whether it be celebrity interviews, ‘politely’ harassing politicians or reviewing the latest movies. But one of his most recent articles managed to enrage the site’s editor. Mostly because he went behind her back, vigilante-style, to publish it… For revenge, she’s given him the assignment of covering the grand opening of the New York City Ballet Company’s Swan Lake. No one wants the job, and the worst part is Gabriel hates ballet. However, once he catches a glimpse of the leading male dancer he begins to come up with ideas of how to make his article and experience… entertaining. Little does he know, this dancer knows exactly how to entertain and keep Gabriel on the edge of his seat all by himself.


Rating: T
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 25,000
Summary: Newly graduated Sam Winchester has Restless Heart Syndrome and no match to the soulmate tattoo taking up space on his wrist, the only known cure. Not to mention his opportunity with a publishing company is slowly slipping into nothing, no inspiration in sight. He sets off to find somewhere to call home and winds up on the doorstep of a secluded lighthouse, seeking reprieve from the storm raging above, where a man with golden eyes spends his nights studying the stars. As he gets to know the man, Sam starts to think, just maybe, the storm isn't the only problem kind-hearted Gabriel will solve. Or the one with the writer who finds inspiration in the stars, the man who weaves the speckled sky each night, and the home they find in each other.


Rating: E
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of past abuse and rape, canon-typical violence
Approximate Word Count: 20,000
Summary: Set post-season 9, Metatron has taken Gabriel's grace. Cast out of Heaven, weak and helpless, Gabriel calls the Winchesters. Sam finds himself with a grumpy, awkward ex-angel who has no idea how to be human. As they hunt for Gabriel's grace, Sam is drawn to the archangel despite his better judgment. In the middle of the search, Sam is hit with a deadly spell meant for Gabriel, and now it's a race against time to find the cure and keep Sam alive. And as if things weren't complicated enough, Sam thinks he might be falling in love.


Rating: E
Warnings: Vivid descriptions of severe injuries (gore), mentions of prior Kali/Gabriel, Single Parent!AU, Reverse!Verse AU
Approximate Word Count: 131,000
Summary: Angels ruined the world. They slaughtered half of humanity in their prizefight, and couldn't bother to stick around to clean up their mess. As the human survivors crawl towards a slow death through starvation and sickness, Gabriel Novak manages to cobble together a halfway decent life for his family. But any illusion of normality crumbles away the day a half-dead archangel named Samael drops out of the sky in front of him. And no matter how much Gabriel doesn't like angels, this one just might save the world. (NOT End!Verse)


Rating: M
Warnings: Mentions of past child neglect and sexual harassment. Mentions of current workplace harassment. Scary clowns. Discussions of guns. Hospital visit, heart attack (not Sam or Gabe). Mention of past character death.
Approximate Word Count: 13,000
Summary: For as long as they can remember the Winchesters and Shurleys have been best of friends. When Sam and Gabriel’s brothers both go missing after a revelation about themselves, they decide to search for them and help them realize their feelings. On the journey across the state, Sam and Gabriel may just realize feelings of their own.


Rating: M
Warnings: Abuse / Mental manipulation from Lucifer
Approximate Word Count: 21,000
Summary: It’s another hallucination. It has to be. The short blond man in the room across from Sam’s can’t be Gabriel. Except he can see Lucifer, and Sam knows Lucifer is only in his head. Or: Sam’s locked up because of Halicifer. Gabriel’s in the same psych ward, only they’ve convinced him he’s not an archangel. Gabriel can see Lucifer but doesn't remember Sam.


Rating: E
Warnings: Abuse, Alcohol
Approximate Word Count: 22,000
Summary: Thirty percent of the world's population have soulmates. Sam's eighteen, he's never even dreamed of being part of that minority - hell he hasn't even thought about falling in love - but he's not exactly annoyed when his soulmate, Gabriel, comes into play; not when the sex is this good. But then of course his dad has to find out and ruin everything. Sabriel soulmate AU, You can feel whenever your soulmate gets injured or laid, and when they kick it, so do you.


Rating: T
Warnings: suicide attempt, minor domestic abuse
Approximate Word Count: 20,000
Summary: For Gabriel, life seems pointless. Well, his life, anyway. He's stuck in a boring job with no idea what he wants to do with himself. He lives at home at 22- if an absent father and big brothers at war can be called a home. He wants out. Sam has no idea that Gabriel feels this way. For him, life is wonderful. He’s studying to be a lawyer and already working in the law. He's thinking about moving out. He's in love. But when Gabriel decides to do something about his misery, can Sam save him and can Gabriel turn his life around?


Rating: M
Warnings: temporary main character death, violence, blood, gore
Approximate Word Count: 30,000
Summary: Sam knew when he left that church nothing would be the same. The Angels had fallen and the gates were still open. Still reeling from the effects of the trials Sam is just trying to get back in the game with his brother and Castiel to help but nothing seems to be working. Enter Gabriel. Ever since Elysian Fields he's been lying low, and when the doors to heaven are locked against him Gabriel, stranded on Earth with his Grace intact, seeks to help Sam and get some help himself. He's taken it on himself to help his newly-human siblings find their way in the world but something's gone wrong. Someone or something is killing off the Fallen...and Gabriel feels like the only one who can stop it. This is a re-imagining of what might've happened after the finale of Season 8. Besides missing Gabriel fiercely there were a lot of ways the writers could've gone with this show and I think this would've been a neat way to go.


Rating: E
Warnings: Self-harm, depression, explicit sex
Approximate Word Count: 39,000
Summary: When Sam Winchester entered his last semester at Clark State Community College, he had no clue what was in store. Taking a class with a professor he couldn’t stand, Sam was horrified to discover that the man was, in fact, his soulmate. Hijinks and heartbreak ensue as the two men try to stumble their way through mutual dislike into that thing they call love.


Rating: T
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 23,000
Summary: Sam's just ejected Gadreel from his body, and now he and Dean are trying to work out their many issues as they always do- by ignoring them and hoping they'll go away soon. Thankfully, they have something to distract them: Castiel’s stolen Grace has made him an angel again, and he needs help opening Heaven’s Gates. One day while researching, Sam finds an old spell that will restore Heaven and let the angels go back home. Only problem is, the spell can only be carried out by an archangel. Opening the Cage to free Michael and Lucifer isn't an option, and Raphael isn't the easiest to deal with, which leaves them with Gabriel. And Gabriel’s dead. Well, he was.


Rating: T
Warnings: Mental Instability, Mind Games, Manipulation, Abusive familial relationships, Asshole Dean for half of the story, side Destiel
Approximate Word Count: 21,000
Summary: The city of Macto was large, winding, and mysterious. Each corner held a tale, each ally a legend, and each citizen was an enigma. With all the riddles and secrets that bubbled within the cities soul, villains erupted. With those villains, came heroes. Villains like Trickster, a man who carried a dark past of being experimented on endlessly whose goal was really only to teach a few people a lesson or two. Heroes like Visum, a man whose powers are endless, but he just can’t figure out how to control. He has so little control that he practically looses himself every time he uses his powers. But, what if those heroes have a dark side, to them as well? And the villains, a light side? Powers can become unstable, heroes can switch sides. Anything could truly happen, and anything did.


Rating: T
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 46,000
Summary: This is a story about parallel worlds. An infinite number of them. Some of them are so alike that there’s almost no way to tell one from the other. Almost. Others have practically nothing in common, to such an extent that if you saw them, you would have never believed that they were, at some point in the past, not two separate worlds, but one. This is a story about a world that lost its Sam Winchester. This loss seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be final. Even his own brother, the one that took care of him and protected him ever since he was a little baby, and sacrificed himself for him a number of times, forgot that Sam Winchester had ever existed.
This is a story about a Gabriel who lost his Sam Winchester, and his world altogether. If you asked him, he would probably say that Sam Winchester was his world. And he failed to save him. There was absolutely nothing he could do, so he ran away from his world, and watched it burn impossibly bright for the briefest moment before it ceased to exist, forever. This is a story about the Gabriel who lost his Sam Winchester, and found a Sam Winchester, shredded into billions of pieces, scattered across the Multiverse. It wasn’t his Sam Winchester, but still, he couldn’t just watch a Sam Winchester fade into nothing. So he picked up a piece of him, smaller than stardust, and then another, and another. And he started putting this Sam Winchester back together. This is a story of how they met. And everything that happened next.


Rating: E
Warnings: Swearing, some canon-typical violence
Approximate Word Count: 35,000
Summary: Now permanently set up in the Men of Letters Bunker, Sam and Dean are feeling their way back to an understanding of their lives as both brothers and hunters. All is going well until one day an uninvited and totally unexpected archangel - one who should still be dead - turns up in their kitchen and asks to join in the fun. Despite what he might claim, Sam suspects that all is not well with the suddenly resurrected archangel Gabriel. Unfortunately however, monsters don't have time to wait on such things, and after Dean is forced to go off in search of a missing hunter friend, Sam must work on both the case of a potentially murderous fairy, as well as figuring out exactly what he feels for the archangel that's suddenly very much back in his life. And if that's not enough it soon becomes clear that Gabriel may well be keeping secrets. A mid-season 8 canon divergence fic wherein Gabriel returns, and Sam Winchester must deal with the fall out for both of them.


Rating: E
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 97,000
Summary: Years after his previous relationship's capricious end, Sam Winchester has finally decided to date again. The only problem is, after being out of the scene for so long, he's not sure where to begin. When a new patient rolls into his Physical Therapy office, however, Sam realizes that he may not have to look very far at all. ~ After a devastating accident lands Gabriel Novak in the hospital, he does his best to look on the positive side of things. It definitely doesn't hurt that his new therapist is like sex on legs. (Well, at least a leg.) Sometimes, he learns, even bad situations can have good outcomes.


Rating: M
Warnings: Past Drug Abuse
Approximate Word Count: 20,000
Summary: Gabriel owns a coffee shop and Sam's a tattoo artist. While Sam comes into the cafe occasionally, they barely talk and don't even know each other's names. Gabriel may have a crush on the tall, tattooed and tempting man, but nothing happens for months. Until, of course, Sam saves Gabriel's dog's life.


Rating: E
Warnings: Mild (very mild) Gore (leg wound that recovers), Pirates!!!, Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing, Angst
Approximate Word Count: 33,000
Summary: Sam Winchester is running away from home and stows away on he first ship that he comes across. How was he supposed to know it was the ship Kali, with it's dreaded and feared captain The Trickster? Come to find out, not quite as dreaded OR feared as he'd first thought, even if his jokes are completely terrible and even worse than his flirting...


Rating: M
Warnings: violence, near death, pining, parent!AU, nightmares, mention of emotional neglect, death of a family member, car accident mention
Approximate Word Count: 21,000
Summary: Gabriel Novak, a hyperactive golden haired drama student with a penchant for sugar and pranking people. Sam Winchester, a law student with a love of strawberries and good reading material. Mr Fizzles, a cat who unwillingly drew two people together. After meeting Sam by pure fluke, Gabriel keeps coming back to him, just to hang out on a regular basis, bringing him tea even when Sam doesn't ask for it and just generally supplying him with a distraction from daily stresses. Until one day Gabriel gets one of the worst phone calls of his life, and the only person he thinks of going to is Sam. Not for sympathy, not to talk it out, but to simply be around. From there comes Christmas at Sam’s with his annoying older brother, hijinks that involve too much glitter, an astonishing amount of jelly beans, a bucket full of jelly and a rather suspicious Christmas tree, and the simple yet poignant act of falling irrevocably in love.


Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Sex, Descriptions of a Rape Attempt, Panic Attacks, Descriptions of Violence
Approximate Word Count: 28,000
Summary: Sam Winchester is a theology major who is having a bad day and trips over sugar addicted theater nerd Gabriel Novak. They progress from friends to lover despite the obstacles.


Rating: E
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Explicit Sex, BDSM Relationship, Paddles, Scarves, Blindfolds, Spanking, Teasing, Dirty Talking, Sexting, Panty!Kink
Approximate Word Count: 30,000
Summary: Gabriel Novak is a Class-A Alpha asshole and Sam Winchester wants nothing to do with him, especially after that interview! Except then, he maybe finds out a few things about Gabriel Novak that make him hate him a little less, and hey, maybe some of that bondage stuff sounds interesting... (Also known as a 50 Shades of Grey re-write, Sabriel-style featuring: CONSENT)


Rating: E
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 20,000
Summary: Out of the three years Sam has known Gabriel, he's loved him for about two and a half. Gabriel's hot and sweet and pretty much perfect. Sam knows Gabriel is gay and he's never been shy about letting people know how he feels. The only problem? Gabe isn't exactly what you'd call available.


Rating: T
Warnings: None
Approximate Word Count: 11,000
Summary: When the great war between Michael and Lucifer broke out in heaven, Gabriel ran and disappeared. Gabriel crashed to Earth with no memory of who he was or where he came from. Now, though, Lucifer is on the rise again and the ranks of Heaven need his help. Add in a confusing, but enticing boy named Sam who has been reluctantly pulled into supporting the cause and Gabriel may find more than his grace. A Hercules AU with Gabriel as Hercules and Sam as Megara.

artists, !admin

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