Upgrade/Downgrade Option For Writers

Nov 15, 2014 06:25

Hello again, Fearless Writers!

The upgrade/downgrade option day has arrived. If you signed up for a big bang, but your fic only meets little bang requirements, then you can comment here to downgrade. Likewise, if you signed up for a little bang, but your fic has grown to exceed 20,000 words, you can now upgrade to a big bang!

Things to keep in mind: If you upgrade to a big bang, yet fall short on the draft deadline, we can't make exceptions and you'll subsequently be out of this year's challenge. If you downgrade to a little bang, but end up exceeding big bang length in the end, you will still be considered a little bang author and won't receive art for your fic.

Drafts are due on December 15th, and while we're certainly sympathetic to any situations that crop up, we simply cannot offer any extensions. Whether writing a big bang or little bang, you must have your draft submitted by the due date. Since that is just a month from now, you should have some idea of how things are going to shape up for your fic length-wise.

If you don't need to swap anything around, then feel free to ignore this post!

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