Title: Minotaur's Tale
Author: violethyena
Artist: strikertrick
Genre: Slash, Greek Mythology AU
Pairing (if applicable): Gabriel/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cruelty towards mythological beasts. Non-graphic sex. Mentions imprisonment. Mentions of human flesh consumption by beasts but not detailed. Alcohol. Some brief beast vs. human violence in the beginning. Not all human anatomy, but not sexually detailed.
Tier/Word Count:Tier 2, Words 26,234
Summary: Sam is a minotaur taken from his herd at a young age. He grows up imprisoned for 10 years before he finally breaks free. Gabriel is the local satyr of Crete, the island where Sam finds himself. Gabriel shows Sam how to live in the forest and they grow close, comforted by each others' similarities. A party with a god only furthers the seal of their bond.
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