Title: Amor Litteras
menofsweaters and
saffron_zephyrPairing: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, unrequited Sam/Lucifer, Lucifer/Michael if you squint
Rating: PG-13 for language and some sexual references
Warnings: None, unless any of the above pairings squick you out. It’s pretty tame.
Word Count: 19,377
Summary: Sam has been waiting for the Cherubim to match him up with his true love his entire life, but so far, he's had no luck. While Dean fully intends to stay a free-wheeling bachelor forever, Sam is desperate to find a match before his time runs out. When his brother is paired with an unlikely angel named Castiel, Sam is thrown head-first into a world of archangels, love letters, and an alarming amount of vests. However, as he gets closer to a particularly charming archangel named Gabriel, he starts to doubt the system. Hijinks include Gabriel in sock hop garb, spying on Dean and Cas, way too chipper Samandriel, creeper!Michael, and Gabriel and Lucifer fighting over Sam's pretty face (sort of).
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Part One on LJ /
Part Two on LJLink to art: