Title: Flowers for Gabriel.
Author: lilithrain.
Artist: rubystandish.
Genre: kidfic, fluff, crack, partial dark fic, romance, hurt comfort, illness, mpreg, comedy.
Pairing (if applicable): Sam/Gabriel, Castiel/OFC.
Rating: From G to NC-17.
Warnings: Gabriel being adorable on a level, illness, MPREG, nightmares, hurt/comfort.
Tier/Word Count: Second Tier/36,382.
Summary: How many people were aware angels got sick? Not the Winchesters that's for damned sure, and for one of them in particualr; Sam, it's one hell of a ride. Mind you, it isn't all chicken soup and good times, one has to be careful around a sick angel. One never knows what could happen, from babies to "babies". If you're not careful, you can knock an angel up when they're sick. No one is complaining though, especially not Clint Eastwood. I mean, God.
Link to art: Coming Soon.
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