GSD: Check-in Six and Wrap Up!

Jul 01, 2012 22:56

Well guys, it's time for the wrap-up post! Comment with the text below and let us know how you did. Did you make any progress? Even if you didn't, comment on this last check-in, complain about what kept you from doing more or anything really. :D We will for sure be hosting another round of our own little GSD again, though there are no concrete dates just yet. Keep up the writing! Our first actual, overall Check-In is July 13th! We want you all to be doing as well as you can by then if possible.

All right, enough of me blathering on...

Main Characters/Pairings (if applicable):
Daily Goal:
Progress since yesterday:
Weekly Goal and did you reach it?:
Where do you go (online or a real place)/what do you do for inspiration when writing? To combat writer's block or lack of motivation?:
Story snippet? (optional): Only TWO sentences!