Death by Induction

Apr 23, 2008 13:14

Or rather proof by induction = death. So... writing things down helps me sort them out and while I study for the next three hours (and an hour and a hald before that) before this exam I have  done/will do A LOT of writing. Writing ideas, doodles, and random numbers. I thought it would be fun to write some of my thoughts down here. There are two reasons for this line of thinking:
A) It might actually help me learn something
B) It'll lighten the mood of this horrific exam a bit.

When I say this exam is horrific I mean just plain awful , grotesque and painful. The professor says it's not cumulative but that's not really accurate at all because everything on the midterm is needed to solve stuff on the final. Alright so... a list of ideas will follow and most of them will probably incorrect. That's okay because it's a computer organization class so must of it is just plain boring.

1. There are 32 bits for an instruction which may be sperated in various ways but the first 6 bits are always the operation.
2. J-type is the easiest.
3. I hate datapaths more than anything right now. That might change.
4. The function is a form of the operation (kind of like clarification)
5. Getting phone calls in the library that I have to take while I'm studying is frustrating.
6. I like peanut butter.
7. I probably only need to know direct-mapping for cache because its the easiest to implement. 
8. I really don't see how they expect anyone to learn/comprehend all of this in just one semester.
9. My study group is here which means this post has to end
10. But not before I add that cradling a cockatoo is strangely comforting and has totally made this day ten times better.

To anyone who had/has finals I wish you the best of luck!

<3 - Dottie
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