Title: Acolyte
trollmelaRating: PG-13
Pairing and/or Characters: Sam, Gabriel (Loki), Dean
Spoilers: General season 3
Warnings: Mention of possible rape (which never happens)
Word Count: 3,698 words
Summary: A deal with a trickster is a dangerous thing, Sam knew that when he agreed to it. But he would not understand what followed for a long time.
Notes: Written for
eosrose. I'm posting early because I'm away on the weekend and I'd rather risk my big bang being late than this gift. I hope you have a happy birthday, Eos, and a great day on Sunday!
Her prompt was: Mystery Spot AU. Sam makes a deal with the Trickster in exchange for Dean's life: his freedom for Dean's release from his date with hell.
Thanks goes to
eosrose for answering my questions when I didn’t know what to do,
mangacrack for offering me ideas and helping me brainstorm, and to my last-minute beta,