Dec 14, 2008 20:32
I lost my favorite pin this week. I had had it for more than 20 years so it certainly got its use. I don’t know where it fell off. I was not terribly surprised in that it was falling apart and the pin clasp broke years ago. But I was sad. It went brilliantly with certain things and it was irreplaceable. Ultimately, it’s just a thing, however, and I’ve been spending enough time sad about missing jewelry.
On the flip side of “just things”, have I mentioned how much I love and worship my mattress? My trip to Chicago was the first time I had slept in a bed other than my own since I got the new mattress and it was awful. The bed felt so wrong. I have trouble getting out of bed these days because it’s so comfortable.
In other completely random comments, I read in one of my numerous health/fitness/beauty magazines that if you have dry skin, you should cleanse in the evening. So I tried that. It’s made a difference. I have to remember to do it. The morning was so much more natural because that's when I shower. I don’t wear a lot of makeup on the weekends so I’m a bit less worried that I tend to forget to do it. Though, “they” suggest that people with dry skin shouldn’t be so anxious to cleanse every day anyway because it only exacerbates the dry skin problem.
Holiday cards are starting to leave my hands for those of USPS. They should all be out by Monday. (And they will be!) One less thing on my plate. I’m hoping to get the gifts in the mail by then as well. (All but two were sent yesterday and one of those remaining two won’t go out until December 30th. I was worried about running errands during yesterday’s snow but I only had a few tense moments. I was invited to a friend’s house for Christmas, which was very nice of him and I am happy to join them, but I don’t want to go empty handed. There was a book signing yesterday afternoon and I’m a sucker for those. (It snowed last year during this same book signing.) I picked up a couple of cute picture books for the kids and I have some ideas for the adults. I also got to spend some time with one of the women from my main book group. She's the high school English teacher who makes me want to be a teacher. She's so cool. None of my female English lit teachers made the idea of learning so exciting.
I am all caught up with Heroes. I wish they knew what they were doing this season. It’s disappointing. Not only are there too many people, but there are too many flash backs and forwards that no longer make sense. I don’t mind watching heroes turn to villains but it’s too chaotic and no longer believable. It’s too bad. I’ll keep watching, of course. It is DVR’d so it isn’t a hassle. At the rate I’m watching my DVR’d shows, I’ll have the entire season of Sanctuary on DVR before I have a chance to watch it. I know what I'm doing on vacation.
I’m also caught up with Fringe. I like it but don’t love it yet. Whereas Leverage, I love. I’m glad I DVR’d this from the beginning.
I got a fabulous massage today, hit the gym and did more household “stuff”. I’m tired now. But I need to balance my bank account and pay bills. Chores never seem to end.
Book #138, Your Heart Belongs to Me, by Dean Koontz. From my review on Goodreads. Healthy, wealthy Ryan Perry discovers he has a heart disease that only a transplant can cure. But he starts having feelings of paranoia and after the transplant, odd things, supernatural things, seem to be happening. Unfortunately, the story doesn't hold together very well in any aspect. Perry is neither a likable nor dislikable character. In fact, only a nurse and a security guard are even vaguely memorable and they have bit parts. The book doesn't flow in any one direction and ultimately makes little sense. The story might have been deeper had it been told from more than one POV but Perry wasn't particularly introspective. He was good at doing nerd things - heavily focused on one thing for hours, days, months, but he didn't really connect dots. And the dots that were eventually connected, didn't form a recognizable picture. Oh well. 2 stars.
books 2008,
holiday cards,